You think ghosts are real im pretty sure I saw one!
I was in the bathroom I opened the door and then I washed my hands in the glass I saw a shimmering image then it faded. Also I went by shelf in my room and there was a marker in the very back I walked past it, when I turned around it was on the floor.
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Ghosts are definitely real. Not all of them you cal see. I encountered a ghost once. I couldn't see it but it's true that you feel... Cold when you're near a ghost.
Also my dad lived in this house that was haunted by 3 ghosts. One lady with a flowing blue dress and *thinks hard for a moment* something to do with christmas. I think she drowned. Also there were hardwood floors and one of the ghosts had chains (cheesy right?) and would drag them through the hallway creepily.
The See More 3rd ghost was just a pair of eyes in the attic that would watch my dad as he walked to and from the house. He only lived there for a few months
Also my dad lived in this house that was haunted by 3 ghosts. One lady with a flowing blue dress and *thinks hard for a moment* something to do with christmas. I think she drowned. Also there were hardwood floors and one of the ghosts had chains (cheesy right?) and would drag them through the hallway creepily.
The See More 3rd ghost was just a pair of eyes in the attic that would watch my dad as he walked to and from the house. He only lived there for a few months

Oh god I just realized that I misspelled Can* XD
on November 05, 2016
on November 05, 2016

They're actually not called ghosts. They are spirits. See, if they try to scare you it's just a bad spirit messing with your mind. Or just trying to freak you out. So just don't freak because if they see you have fear it could become worse. So ignore it. I usually talk to the spirit telling it that I'm not scared, and to leave me alone. Because your tricks will not scare me. Then they leave me alone. :D
on February 20, 2015

XD I just realized this was a page, I thought it was a question.
on February 22, 2015
on February 20, 2015

on February 20, 2015

Well my sis said that one day she was in her laptop and all of a sudden a pair of glasses got chucked onto the floor out of nowhere
on February 19, 2015