Zombie Apocalypse RP!
You wake up in the middle of a forest. You're wearing thick khaki pants, hiking boots, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. You also have a waterproof backpack. It holds a canteen, some trail mix, and a knife. You must team up with other people trapped in the zombie apocalypse. If you are killed by a zombie, you become a zombie. Please, be somewhat realistic - if you're a zombie, roleplaying with a human, defend yourself/attack them in realistic ways. The form is: Name: Age: Skills: Personality: Job:
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

(I have already made my character on a different page, you can go to my profile and find it)
on January 18, 2016

Name: Karen
Age: 13
Skills: has gone camping multiple times with her dad so she is experienced with basic wilderness survival skills
Personality: optimistic and friendly, but she tends to panic easily and it is hard to gain her trust
Job: N/A
Age: 13
Skills: has gone camping multiple times with her dad so she is experienced with basic wilderness survival skills
Personality: optimistic and friendly, but she tends to panic easily and it is hard to gain her trust
Job: N/A
on June 04, 2015

(Anyone may join.)
Harley: *Hanging upside down from a tree* CAAAANT~!
Cerulean: Whaaaat?
Harley: Catch me! *Leans forward, upside down hugging CANT*
Cerulean: *Puts her down in a handstand*
Harley: *Does a flip and stands up, hugging Cerulean*
Cerulean: You're clinging all of a sudden. See More
Harley: I don't want to loose you. I don't want to let go.
Harley: *Hanging upside down from a tree* CAAAANT~!
Cerulean: Whaaaat?
Harley: Catch me! *Leans forward, upside down hugging CANT*
Cerulean: *Puts her down in a handstand*
Harley: *Does a flip and stands up, hugging Cerulean*
Cerulean: You're clinging all of a sudden. See More
Harley: I don't want to loose you. I don't want to let go.

Gerard: *He shook Peter's hand and smiled.* No need to worry, I'm fine! Also, thank you for letting us stay with you. I really appreciate it. It's nice to meet you, Peter! They probably already told you, but the name's Gerard, GW for short.
*He was gleeful to have met Peter, and even more grateful that he let them stay.
*Earlier, CANT had told him a little See More bit about Peter, while they weren't fighting off undead creatures that is, and he couldn't wait to see the place.
*It had been a while since they had an actual place to stay, a place that could hold up for a day.*
Harley: Welcome back! It's a good thing you're alright. Other than the small cut on your face, that is.
*All of her worry washed away, and she was instantly lighter and happier.*
Gerard: Ah, it's nothing! *He waved his hand as if to brush away the thought, barely giving any notice the blood slowly running down his cheek.*
*He was gleeful to have met Peter, and even more grateful that he let them stay.
*Earlier, CANT had told him a little See More bit about Peter, while they weren't fighting off undead creatures that is, and he couldn't wait to see the place.
*It had been a while since they had an actual place to stay, a place that could hold up for a day.*
Harley: Welcome back! It's a good thing you're alright. Other than the small cut on your face, that is.
*All of her worry washed away, and she was instantly lighter and happier.*
Gerard: Ah, it's nothing! *He waved his hand as if to brush away the thought, barely giving any notice the blood slowly running down his cheek.*
on June 23, 2015

(It's all good XD)
Peter: *hearing the two walk in, he felt his spirits rise yet again, the grin returning to his face*
We were worried about you guys! *taking a few steps across the room to meet them halfway*
*looking at Gerard, he hesitated a little, knowing Gerard didn't know him yet*
Nice to meet you man. *holding a hand out towards him* Name's Peter, or See More PMCrash.
*seeing the small cut on Gerard's face, he wondered how he got it, but didn't question it right now*
I found CANT and Harley a little while ago in the park near the center of town. *explaining a bit*
*his stomach knotted though as he wondered if Gerard would accept him as the others had*
*thinking: Harley already said how lucky I was with CANT...* *feeling a bit doubtful of Gerard's hospitality*
Peter: *hearing the two walk in, he felt his spirits rise yet again, the grin returning to his face*
We were worried about you guys! *taking a few steps across the room to meet them halfway*
*looking at Gerard, he hesitated a little, knowing Gerard didn't know him yet*
Nice to meet you man. *holding a hand out towards him* Name's Peter, or See More PMCrash.
*seeing the small cut on Gerard's face, he wondered how he got it, but didn't question it right now*
I found CANT and Harley a little while ago in the park near the center of town. *explaining a bit*
*his stomach knotted though as he wondered if Gerard would accept him as the others had*
*thinking: Harley already said how lucky I was with CANT...* *feeling a bit doubtful of Gerard's hospitality*
on June 22, 2015

Harley: Sure, why no-
*She was cut off by CANT and GW walking through the door.*
Cerulean: We're back!
Gerard: *There's a little bit of blood oozing from a small cut on his cheek, but that's the only place he was "wounded" in.*
Hello there! See More
(Hey, I gotta be nice, I'm not gonna bend him backwards or anything. :P)
*She was cut off by CANT and GW walking through the door.*
Cerulean: We're back!
Gerard: *There's a little bit of blood oozing from a small cut on his cheek, but that's the only place he was "wounded" in.*
Hello there! See More
(Hey, I gotta be nice, I'm not gonna bend him backwards or anything. :P)
on June 21, 2015

Peter: Right!? Especially two from a small site like Qfeast. *he added, thinking of all other social media sites*
I mean, anyone can be on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram...but two from Qfeast! *smiling wide*
*calming himself down from the excitement, he heard his stomach rumble, and looked down*
Oh damn...what time is it...? *looking over at the grandfather See More clock, it read 7:25pm*
Geez...it's been like five hours since I've eaten anything...you hungry at all? I could make us something.
I mean, anyone can be on Facebook, or Twitter, or Instagram...but two from Qfeast! *smiling wide*
*calming himself down from the excitement, he heard his stomach rumble, and looked down*
Oh damn...what time is it...? *looking over at the grandfather See More clock, it read 7:25pm*
Geez...it's been like five hours since I've eaten anything...you hungry at all? I could make us something.
on June 21, 2015

Harley: Well, uh, thank you...
*She blushed slightly, and sorta hid her face in shyness all of a sudden.
*No one had ever told her that, and it made her feel special.*
I mean, I can't believe any social media nerds are still alive, including me!
*She blushed slightly, and sorta hid her face in shyness all of a sudden.
*No one had ever told her that, and it made her feel special.*
I mean, I can't believe any social media nerds are still alive, including me!
on June 21, 2015
on May 30, 2015

Name: Jenlin Hood
Age: 19
Skills: Decision making, following people unseen, fast thinker.
Personality: Very intelligent, but mysterious and quiet. She's more of a follower, so she's easy to work with. However, she isn't very trusting.
Job: Plotter, though she has some medical knowledge.
Age: 19
Skills: Decision making, following people unseen, fast thinker.
Personality: Very intelligent, but mysterious and quiet. She's more of a follower, so she's easy to work with. However, she isn't very trusting.
Job: Plotter, though she has some medical knowledge.
on May 30, 2015

Akio: *He stood silent, waiting for his brother to come back for him now since he'd been told to wait with their things.*
*He was playing with a rubix cube his brother had brought back to after he'd been out, scavenging for them.*
*He sighed, playing with the toy because it kept his mind distracted, keeping it from wondering because if he
thought too much he would frighten himself, being out here in the woods alone. There was so many things that could happen
to him now. Raiders See More could find him and kill him, or worse, they could kidnap him and hold him ransom. He sighed, jumping at
even the slightest noise, the rustle of leaves or the snap of a twig. He always felt like he was surrounded by enemies that he
couldn't see. He just had to look back down at his toy, he had to focus on winning his little game, and then he'd mix it up and
start all over again.*
Daiki: *He stood in the treetops, keeping a look out as he tried to devise a plan, tried to figure out where to go. He knew that they needed more food, they needed a lot of things to keep themselves alive, but they weren't safe out here, on their own. They didn't have anyone to rely on but themselves. He knew that they needed to find a group, they needed help, and they needed it fast. He couldn't keep running about, trying to find enough food and water to keep them both alive while at the same time trying to keep both him and his brother alive. He sighed, taking a moment to admire the sunrise, he found that it was the only calming thing he had left.*
*He was playing with a rubix cube his brother had brought back to after he'd been out, scavenging for them.*
*He sighed, playing with the toy because it kept his mind distracted, keeping it from wondering because if he
thought too much he would frighten himself, being out here in the woods alone. There was so many things that could happen
to him now. Raiders See More could find him and kill him, or worse, they could kidnap him and hold him ransom. He sighed, jumping at
even the slightest noise, the rustle of leaves or the snap of a twig. He always felt like he was surrounded by enemies that he
couldn't see. He just had to look back down at his toy, he had to focus on winning his little game, and then he'd mix it up and
start all over again.*
Daiki: *He stood in the treetops, keeping a look out as he tried to devise a plan, tried to figure out where to go. He knew that they needed more food, they needed a lot of things to keep themselves alive, but they weren't safe out here, on their own. They didn't have anyone to rely on but themselves. He knew that they needed to find a group, they needed help, and they needed it fast. He couldn't keep running about, trying to find enough food and water to keep them both alive while at the same time trying to keep both him and his brother alive. He sighed, taking a moment to admire the sunrise, he found that it was the only calming thing he had left.*

Adagio: *hearing her sisters comment, she pulled away a little, afraid that she'd puke on her*
*moving a few branches up, she looked down over the opening, which was filling slowly with more zombies*
*gazing over the trees, she saw smoke plumes high in the sky in the distance, giving her an idea*
Maybe that's coming from a nearby town...*knowing they couldn't See More just live in the trees forever*
*the groaning of the zombies was already driving her insane, not to mention the smell of decaying flesh wasn't helping matters*
We can't stay here...*she called back down to Bunny, climbing down so that she was only a branch above her*
*moving a few branches up, she looked down over the opening, which was filling slowly with more zombies*
*gazing over the trees, she saw smoke plumes high in the sky in the distance, giving her an idea*
Maybe that's coming from a nearby town...*knowing they couldn't See More just live in the trees forever*
*the groaning of the zombies was already driving her insane, not to mention the smell of decaying flesh wasn't helping matters*
We can't stay here...*she called back down to Bunny, climbing down so that she was only a branch above her*
on June 01, 2015

Adagio: *she heard her sister move closer to her, and knew that her life very well depend on how well she did this*
*looking up, tears falling from her eyes, she hugged Bunny, resting her chin on Bunny's shoulder*
I couldn't save her Beth...*pretending to beat herself up over the loss of their sister* It's my fault she died...
*this part she could actually say See More with some degree of truth, since she had left her to die down below*
*while she was hugging Bunny, she looked over across the opening towards the other trees holding the other half of the group*
*through watery eyes, she saw Daiki staring her down, his eyes narrowed, but she played it down, knowing he couldn't have seen her*
No one is gonna forgive me for this...*playing along, pulling out of the hug* Look at them...*pointing at Daiki once Bunny looked*
*looking up, tears falling from her eyes, she hugged Bunny, resting her chin on Bunny's shoulder*
I couldn't save her Beth...*pretending to beat herself up over the loss of their sister* It's my fault she died...
*this part she could actually say See More with some degree of truth, since she had left her to die down below*
*while she was hugging Bunny, she looked over across the opening towards the other trees holding the other half of the group*
*through watery eyes, she saw Daiki staring her down, his eyes narrowed, but she played it down, knowing he couldn't have seen her*
No one is gonna forgive me for this...*playing along, pulling out of the hug* Look at them...*pointing at Daiki once Bunny looked*
on June 01, 2015

Adagio: *climbing up quickly, she stopped once she was on the same branch as Bunny, catching her breath*
I didn't have time to save her...*she feigned sadness, even forcing herself to shed a few tears*
They came out of the trees...I was defending myself when she called out to me...*pausing a moment for effect*
I turned to see her surrounded by them...*pausing See More once more to shed a few more tears*
I couldn't have done anything with only a knife...*still gripping the knife, her knuckles white*
Damn it! *throwing the knife at the tree, the blade sinking a little ways into the hard wood, the knife lodging itself there*
*she leaned her head forward, letting her hair cover her face, hiding the fact that she actually wasn't sad*
I didn't have time to save her...*she feigned sadness, even forcing herself to shed a few tears*
They came out of the trees...I was defending myself when she called out to me...*pausing a moment for effect*
I turned to see her surrounded by them...*pausing See More once more to shed a few more tears*
I couldn't have done anything with only a knife...*still gripping the knife, her knuckles white*
Damn it! *throwing the knife at the tree, the blade sinking a little ways into the hard wood, the knife lodging itself there*
*she leaned her head forward, letting her hair cover her face, hiding the fact that she actually wasn't sad*
on June 01, 2015

Shannon: *she was on her feet the second Akio had picked himself up off of her*
*her pistol drawn, she fired at the two zombies that had started biting at Alice*
*however, her attempt to save Alice was in vain, as three more lurked out of the trees*
*holstering her pistol, she followed Daiki, scrambling up the tree as the zombies reached the base of it*
*not See More being a great climber, she nearly fell out, as a branch snapped under her weight, grabbing just in time for the next branch*
*breathing fast, she pulled herself up onto it, Akio sitting much higher than her, Daiki to her right*
*being out of danger for the moment, she rested her back against the trunk, closing her eyes, trying to slow her breathing*
*her pistol drawn, she fired at the two zombies that had started biting at Alice*
*however, her attempt to save Alice was in vain, as three more lurked out of the trees*
*holstering her pistol, she followed Daiki, scrambling up the tree as the zombies reached the base of it*
*not See More being a great climber, she nearly fell out, as a branch snapped under her weight, grabbing just in time for the next branch*
*breathing fast, she pulled herself up onto it, Akio sitting much higher than her, Daiki to her right*
*being out of danger for the moment, she rested her back against the trunk, closing her eyes, trying to slow her breathing*
on June 01, 2015

*He commanded although his brother didn't need to be told twice, he was up the tree in
no time. He was about to command Shannon to head up too but he heard the sound of Alice struggling
and screeching as the zombies found her first and he knew it was too late. He froze up for a moment,
debating what to do as the zombies took interest in what prey they'd already See More caught and despite feeling
the urge to avenge the girl he sheathed his weapon and climbed up after his brother. He knew that this
was Ada's fault, she was with Alice he thought, why did she leave her there as bait, she'd have some
explaining to do once he got up there, figuring Shannon could hold her own.*
no time. He was about to command Shannon to head up too but he heard the sound of Alice struggling
and screeching as the zombies found her first and he knew it was too late. He froze up for a moment,
debating what to do as the zombies took interest in what prey they'd already See More caught and despite feeling
the urge to avenge the girl he sheathed his weapon and climbed up after his brother. He knew that this
was Ada's fault, she was with Alice he thought, why did she leave her there as bait, she'd have some
explaining to do once he got up there, figuring Shannon could hold her own.*
on June 01, 2015
on May 30, 2015

Name: Akio Mori
Age: 14
Skills: While being very intelligent he hasn't been given a chance to prove himself so he is rendered useless at this time although he is athletic enough to be bait.
Personality: He is usually pretty calm with others and is very good at controlling his emotions apart from fear. He is easily frightened and he caves in easily under pressure.
Job: Bait
Name: Daiki Mori
Age: 18 See More
Skills: Unlike his brother he is more useful as a team member in the sense that he has training in martial arts and is well with ranged weapons, usually blades.
Personality: Unlike his brother he has a hard time keeping himself in check, he has a temper, especially when his brother is put in danger since he finds that his brother is his last responsibly, he thrives to protect him always.
Job: Defender/Warrior
Age: 14
Skills: While being very intelligent he hasn't been given a chance to prove himself so he is rendered useless at this time although he is athletic enough to be bait.
Personality: He is usually pretty calm with others and is very good at controlling his emotions apart from fear. He is easily frightened and he caves in easily under pressure.
Job: Bait
Name: Daiki Mori
Age: 18 See More
Skills: Unlike his brother he is more useful as a team member in the sense that he has training in martial arts and is well with ranged weapons, usually blades.
Personality: Unlike his brother he has a hard time keeping himself in check, he has a temper, especially when his brother is put in danger since he finds that his brother is his last responsibly, he thrives to protect him always.
Job: Defender/Warrior
on May 30, 2015

Name: Gerard Wade (If anyone gets the reference, DO NOT SAY A THING. ((yes, mcr)) XD)
Nickname: GW or ZGW (the ZGW is a joke)
Gender: Male
Age: 15, close to 16
Skills: Copes to any weapon, has good communication skills with others, great at wasting time, is better at running away than fighting, but can fight pretty well when needed, more of a follower than a leader
Personality: Tedious and wastes time a lot with things that don't matter, accepting to other people, willing to See More give them a second chance, a little gullible
Job: Any job that is needed of him.
Name: Cerulean Trancy (shh, hush Kuroshitsuji fans)
Nickname: CANT (his initials)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Skills: Better with blades than bullets, stealthy, likes to stay away from other people who want to join the group, is quick to killing, never tries to run away from a fight unless it gets harsh, obviously a leader
Personality: Anti-social, quick to decisions, can be caring if he learns enough about you and likes you (like he did Gerard and Harley), uses cuss words a lot (beware of that)
Job: Usually the one to get rid of the zombies, but can do any job needed of him
Name: Harley Davis (No reference there, unless you want to count how I got her name from Jade Harley)
Nickname: Pittfall (not sure why, but they just started calling her that in the fourth grade)
Gender: Female
Age: 15, close to 16
Skills: Better with bullets than blades, great at being emotionally unstable (bipolar), quick and fleet-footed, good at being clumsy, obviously a follower, tries best not to kill but does it often
Personality: Bipolar, silly, optimistic (tries to be, at least), gets attached easily, insane-like at times
Job: Anything needed of her, but she usually searches for materials
Nickname: GW or ZGW (the ZGW is a joke)
Gender: Male
Age: 15, close to 16
Skills: Copes to any weapon, has good communication skills with others, great at wasting time, is better at running away than fighting, but can fight pretty well when needed, more of a follower than a leader
Personality: Tedious and wastes time a lot with things that don't matter, accepting to other people, willing to See More give them a second chance, a little gullible
Job: Any job that is needed of him.
Name: Cerulean Trancy (shh, hush Kuroshitsuji fans)
Nickname: CANT (his initials)
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Skills: Better with blades than bullets, stealthy, likes to stay away from other people who want to join the group, is quick to killing, never tries to run away from a fight unless it gets harsh, obviously a leader
Personality: Anti-social, quick to decisions, can be caring if he learns enough about you and likes you (like he did Gerard and Harley), uses cuss words a lot (beware of that)
Job: Usually the one to get rid of the zombies, but can do any job needed of him
Name: Harley Davis (No reference there, unless you want to count how I got her name from Jade Harley)
Nickname: Pittfall (not sure why, but they just started calling her that in the fourth grade)
Gender: Female
Age: 15, close to 16
Skills: Better with bullets than blades, great at being emotionally unstable (bipolar), quick and fleet-footed, good at being clumsy, obviously a follower, tries best not to kill but does it often
Personality: Bipolar, silly, optimistic (tries to be, at least), gets attached easily, insane-like at times
Job: Anything needed of her, but she usually searches for materials
on May 30, 2015

Name: Shannon Rivers
Age: 21
Skills: Weapons Handling, Close Quarters Combat, Agile.
Personality: Caring, Hardened, Sarcastic (mainly situational).
Job: Whatever is needed at the time.
Age: 21
Skills: Weapons Handling, Close Quarters Combat, Agile.
Personality: Caring, Hardened, Sarcastic (mainly situational).
Job: Whatever is needed at the time.
on May 30, 2015

Name: Eva
Age: 15
Skills: Great hunter, has a very good memory, and is very fast
Personality: Passionate, kind, brave, selfless, and will kill if she has to
Job: Hunter
Age: 15
Skills: Great hunter, has a very good memory, and is very fast
Personality: Passionate, kind, brave, selfless, and will kill if she has to
Job: Hunter
on May 21, 2015

on May 20, 2015

Anyone want to rp?
on May 20, 2015

Name: Selene Silvers
Age: 15
Skills: Great medic, has a very good memory, and is very fast
Personality: Passionate, kind, brave, selfless, and will kill if she has to
Job: Doctor
Age: 15
Skills: Great medic, has a very good memory, and is very fast
Personality: Passionate, kind, brave, selfless, and will kill if she has to
Job: Doctor
on May 20, 2015

Name: Axel Blaze
Age: 17
Skills: Average IQ but has a photographic memory, very fast
Personality: Hot headed when confronted, prefers a good strategy over brute force, always thinks ahead
Job: Plotter
Age: 17
Skills: Average IQ but has a photographic memory, very fast
Personality: Hot headed when confronted, prefers a good strategy over brute force, always thinks ahead
Job: Plotter
on May 20, 2015

Name: coraline fimbulin (coral for short)
Skills: fast, flexable, can be very quiet and can keep a secret
Personality: shy always happy loves to read and write
Job: plotter
Skills: fast, flexable, can be very quiet and can keep a secret
Personality: shy always happy loves to read and write
Job: plotter
on May 20, 2015

Name: Seraphina Amberwood (Sera for short)
Age: 15
Skills: Very brave and passionate; good at fighting
Personality: Passionate, brave, short-tempered, selfless, aggressive
Job: Warrior (someone who fights the zombies)
Other jobs are...
Doctor - someone who tends to wounds, injuries, or illnesses sustained See More
Plotter - someone who maps out the routes, takes inventory of supplies, and checks to see if the coast is clear
Defender - someone who guards the base and supplies
Bait/Runt - usually the weakest/most useless member of a team; used as bait to lure zombies away from a team
Age: 15
Skills: Very brave and passionate; good at fighting
Personality: Passionate, brave, short-tempered, selfless, aggressive
Job: Warrior (someone who fights the zombies)
Other jobs are...
Doctor - someone who tends to wounds, injuries, or illnesses sustained See More
Plotter - someone who maps out the routes, takes inventory of supplies, and checks to see if the coast is clear
Defender - someone who guards the base and supplies
Bait/Runt - usually the weakest/most useless member of a team; used as bait to lure zombies away from a team
on May 20, 2015