come to this page if your feeling down (i mean you don't have to)
idk i was bored and i was also feeling down and made this page for those that are feeling down
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Bruh, my step mom is literally giving me the silent treatment because the other day when we had an argument and i said nothing but facts legit everyone in the house was agreeing with me -=-. She walked out because i was "giving her attitude". The only thing I said was " I already swept the floor" -=- like bruh, its not my fault you don't listen to anyone but your self -=-

on May 07, 2021

Oof my dude, what really needs a sweeping is that woman's attitude
on May 07, 2021
on May 07, 2021

Sometimes you just wanna...sleep...not because your tired but...because you just need a break...a break from reality. Ever have that feeling?
on April 07, 2021

how come life hurts so much?

on October 26, 2020
on October 15, 2020
i need someone to be able to fall back on..
on October 07, 2020

i just need friends...
i just need friends...
on October 05, 2020

on October 05, 2020

Hi . . .
on October 03, 2020