High Sky RP!
Welcome to High Sky! A high School for super heros! We have awesome activities, electives! This is not like normal school! You have one roommate! And classes are 2 hours long! (This is a RP! xD)
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

(Anyone can join, don't ask, just join)
Zoë: *flying in the sky as an eagle.*
Zoë: *flying in the sky as an eagle.*
on April 01, 2015

Anyone want to RP?
on March 26, 2015

Abby : *playing outside with fire powers*

(* abbys room looks like dis http://www.qfeast.com/page/NxXw6d/High-Sky-RP/photo/92WFZ5
And and looks like dis
http://www.qfeast.com/page/NxXw6d/High-Sky-RP/photo/IxSow3 *)
And and looks like dis
http://www.qfeast.com/page/NxXw6d/High-Sky-RP/photo/IxSow3 *)
on March 19, 2015

Abby : yea i pretty bored *stands up and around and walks across to her dorm peeks in her window*I just cant belive they let me decorate my room like this*laughs*
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

*Jumps on bed to start writing*
*Jumps on bed to start writing*
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

Starting a new rp
Dot: * talking to a statue*
Dot: * talking to a statue*
on March 17, 2015

Name: Dawn
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Gender: female
Power(s): Fly,Moving things with mind
Elective: art
Main course: Art See More
Looks: pic
Personality: ...
Likes: ....
Dislikes: ....
Crush (Optional): none yet
Other: none
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Gender: female
Power(s): Fly,Moving things with mind
Elective: art
Main course: Art See More
Looks: pic
Personality: ...
Likes: ....
Dislikes: ....
Crush (Optional): none yet
Other: none
on March 16, 2015
Name: Maria Williams
Gender: girl
Powers:invisibility and ability to control water
Main courses: music and drama See More
Personality: kind funny but when angry she won't talk to anyone
Likes: having fun and jokes
Dislikes: people who are mean
Crush: none yet
Other: likes the colour purple
Gender: girl
Powers:invisibility and ability to control water
Main courses: music and drama See More
Personality: kind funny but when angry she won't talk to anyone
Likes: having fun and jokes
Dislikes: people who are mean
Crush: none yet
Other: likes the colour purple
on March 16, 2015

on March 16, 2015

Starting RP anyone can join:
Trace: *Flying around*
Trace: *Flying around*

Dot: The heck man! I could've gotten a concussion! Well I have to go to hockey practice. If you want you can come to.
on March 15, 2015
on March 15, 2015

This reminds me of the film Sky High.

I know! I was thinking of the movie for some reason, and thought it would be cool it there was a RP! :)
on March 16, 2015

on March 15, 2015

Yes! I thought it was funny when he jumped on the light pole after his and Layla's first date, and broke the light pole. XD
on March 15, 2015
on March 15, 2015

Name: Cherry
Year: 10
Power: Telekinesis
Elective: Cross Country
Main course: Science
Looks: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/294/1/a/_redjuice__anime_girl_render_by_sakuraaoshiki-d5ik7no.png
Personality: Hyper and determined. Rude from time to time.
Year: 10
Power: Telekinesis
Elective: Cross Country
Main course: Science
Looks: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/294/1/a/_redjuice__anime_girl_render_by_sakuraaoshiki-d5ik7no.png
Personality: Hyper and determined. Rude from time to time.

on March 15, 2015

Jason: *jumps onto his bed* ohhhhh myyyyyy goooooooshhh *rolls to his back* this is very comfortable

Trace: *Walks back to his bed* Man... I need more sleep... I'm supposed to sleep during the day...
on March 26, 2015

Trace: No problem... I just feel bad for the unsuspecting person walking under the rain of glitter right now.
on March 26, 2015
on March 15, 2015

Kylee:*she plops on the bench, outside infront of the gym. She pulls her hair down from her run. She sighs and looks up at the sky.* It's going to rain... *she frowns and makes it sunny.* We had enough rain for this week. Now it's time to dry things up. *she giggles softly and leans back.*
Kylee:*she plops on the bench, outside infront of the gym. She pulls her hair down from her run. She sighs and looks up at the sky.* It's going to rain... *she frowns and makes it sunny.* We had enough rain for this week. Now it's time to dry things up. *she giggles softly and leans back.*

Kylee:*smiles, and looks up at the bright sun.* So, what now? Do you want to come over to my house?
on March 18, 2015
on March 15, 2015

Name: Trace Night
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Gender: Male
Power(s): Flight, Invisibility, and Telekinesis
Elective: Writing
Main course: Science and Writing See More
Looks: (Pic)
Personality: Nice, friendly, quiet, shy-ish, loving, loyal, and bland
Likes: Flying, quiet, reading, writing, sleeping, night time, and cats.
Dislikes: Talking, annoying people, loud noises, being awake, spiders, and dogs.
Crush: None as of now.
Other: He is obsessed with cats, flying and writing. He rarely is seen not sleeping during the daytime. He is really loud around his friends but is shy around people he doesn't know. Has arachnophobia. He goes invisible around people he doesn't know or in awkward situations.
Age: 17
Grade: 11th
Gender: Male
Power(s): Flight, Invisibility, and Telekinesis
Elective: Writing
Main course: Science and Writing See More
Looks: (Pic)
Personality: Nice, friendly, quiet, shy-ish, loving, loyal, and bland
Likes: Flying, quiet, reading, writing, sleeping, night time, and cats.
Dislikes: Talking, annoying people, loud noises, being awake, spiders, and dogs.
Crush: None as of now.
Other: He is obsessed with cats, flying and writing. He rarely is seen not sleeping during the daytime. He is really loud around his friends but is shy around people he doesn't know. Has arachnophobia. He goes invisible around people he doesn't know or in awkward situations.
on March 15, 2015

Name: Jason Mularky
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Gender: Male
Power(s):super hearing, teleportation
Elective: art
Main course: math See More
Looks: picture
Personality: outgoing, fun, funny, adorable, kind, can be whiny, loud, crazy, polite
Likes: hugs, sweets, having fun, Angela
Dislikes: mean people, fake people, drugs, smoking products, alcohol
Crush (Optional): Angela Alice Autumn
Other: :3
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Gender: Male
Power(s):super hearing, teleportation
Elective: art
Main course: math See More
Looks: picture
Personality: outgoing, fun, funny, adorable, kind, can be whiny, loud, crazy, polite
Likes: hugs, sweets, having fun, Angela
Dislikes: mean people, fake people, drugs, smoking products, alcohol
Crush (Optional): Angela Alice Autumn
Other: :3
on March 15, 2015

(Starting a RP! Anyone can join... Don't ask, just join.)
Leo:*he sighs and holds his camera close to him. He walks around the school, first day of school, so he had to take pictures of the new students, and students who returned.*
Leo:*he sighs and holds his camera close to him. He walks around the school, first day of school, so he had to take pictures of the new students, and students who returned.*
on March 15, 2015

Liam: *sitting on a bench near the track, eyeing it cautiously, not wanting to attract unwanted attention*
on March 15, 2015