The Ravenclaw Common Room
K so if you want to join in you must request a membership and be a ravenclaw. I am the ravenclaw prefect. I am year 5, and the ravenclaw keeper and quidditch captain.

Quidditch practice has NOT been canceled and we do take notice of the rain but our first game is in 2 weeks with hufflepuff.
Total house points so far: 485
Congratulations to @Angel_The_Fallen_Angel for winning 15 to ravenclaw! Keep it up!
-Emma & Proffesor Flitwick
Quidditch practice has NOT been canceled and we do take notice of the rain but our first game is in 2 weeks with hufflepuff.
Total house points so far: 485
Congratulations to @Angel_The_Fallen_Angel for winning 15 to ravenclaw! Keep it up!
-Emma & Proffesor Flitwick
on August 13, 2016

Congrats to @CHOCOlat for winning 10 points to ravenclaw!
on August 13, 2016

Quidditch positions left:
2 beaters
1 chaser
*We are looking for a new co-captain
2 beaters
1 chaser
*We are looking for a new co-captain

Well you must be there for every practice, and game unless excused by a professor or medical person. You must also come up with plays for the team and strategies. You should also be able to point out weaknesses of players and the team all together and make suggestions. If you think this is too much you do not have to be it or feel guilted into it but I will be See More there too.
on August 12, 2016
on August 12, 2016

Quidditch tryouts are tomorrow! If you have not filled out the form and want to be on the team then I suggest you fill it out now.

I am Lily
I am 15
I want to become a Beater
My abilities are: great flyer, great balence, am ver fast, very supportive of others and am dedicated to my team
Grades are excellent See More
I enjoy Quidditch so much and I am really excited for flying and being on a Quidditch team so I can help Ravenclaw win!!!
I have experience, I had played Quidditch as a child so much the I got into the habit of whacking things with my cricket bat. I would practice a lot and use a mop as my Firebolt. I love Quidditch and I hope I get the position as a Beater. Thanks.
I am 15
I want to become a Beater
My abilities are: great flyer, great balence, am ver fast, very supportive of others and am dedicated to my team
Grades are excellent See More
I enjoy Quidditch so much and I am really excited for flying and being on a Quidditch team so I can help Ravenclaw win!!!
I have experience, I had played Quidditch as a child so much the I got into the habit of whacking things with my cricket bat. I would practice a lot and use a mop as my Firebolt. I love Quidditch and I hope I get the position as a Beater. Thanks.
on August 13, 2016
on August 12, 2016

Form for quidditch sign ups:
1) Name
2) age
3) seeking this position
4) special abilities
5) grades (good, fair, horrible)
6) brief explanation if why you should be on this team for this position See More
7) any past experience with quidditch
8) physical and mental health
9) anything else you think we might need to know
1) Name
2) age
3) seeking this position
4) special abilities
5) grades (good, fair, horrible)
6) brief explanation if why you should be on this team for this position See More
7) any past experience with quidditch
8) physical and mental health
9) anything else you think we might need to know
on August 12, 2016