Half-Animal RP
Basically, pretty much you can either be fully human or you're part animal-part human. So here's the form~ Name: Age: Your counterpart(as in your animal part): Backstory: Likes: Dislikes:
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on October 26, 2014

Theodora: *Walking around town*
Leo: *Walking behind her, trying to get the yarn from her bag*
Leo: *Walking behind her, trying to get the yarn from her bag*

on November 13, 2014

Kato: *Looks behind him and bites his lip, then starts to run*
Cops: Hey stop! Thief! Mugger! Criminaaaaaaaaaaaaal!
Cops: Hey stop! Thief! Mugger! Criminaaaaaaaaaaaaal!
on November 12, 2014

Theodora: *Grabs her hand* Kato you donkey, we can't leave one of our own behind!
Leona: Theodora! Watch your mouth!
Theodora: I can't. I can't even see my mouth, how am I supposed to watch it?
Leona: Don't be a smarty pants.
Leona: Haha!
Leona: Theodora! Watch your mouth!
Theodora: I can't. I can't even see my mouth, how am I supposed to watch it?
Leona: Don't be a smarty pants.
Leona: Haha!
on November 12, 2014
on October 26, 2014

Name: Naomi Johnson
Age: 12
Counterpart: Cat
Backstory: Will think of one
Likes: Sweets, yarn, sleeping in the sun.
Dislikes: Water, being disturbed during sleep.
Age: 12
Counterpart: Cat
Backstory: Will think of one
Likes: Sweets, yarn, sleeping in the sun.
Dislikes: Water, being disturbed during sleep.
on October 26, 2014

Name: Silver
Counterpart: Wolf
Backstory: A beautiful baby was born to a normal human couple, but would become a wolf cub at random times. Knowing their child would never make it in the human world and would be experimented on, the couples gave the child to a pack of wolves that would come every to weeks, as if beckoning for the child. The wolf pack took her in, and protected her from the government, which was see hung for her. Slowly, Silver became the Alpha wolf, and See More also learned how to switch from wolf to human on command. To this day, she travels around the world with her wolf pack, searching for other half-animals and saving nature.
Likes: Night time, nature, air, water, animals, steak, and water.
Dislikes: Humans, traps, concrete jungles, labs,
Looks: in picture
Counterpart: Wolf
Backstory: A beautiful baby was born to a normal human couple, but would become a wolf cub at random times. Knowing their child would never make it in the human world and would be experimented on, the couples gave the child to a pack of wolves that would come every to weeks, as if beckoning for the child. The wolf pack took her in, and protected her from the government, which was see hung for her. Slowly, Silver became the Alpha wolf, and See More also learned how to switch from wolf to human on command. To this day, she travels around the world with her wolf pack, searching for other half-animals and saving nature.
Likes: Night time, nature, air, water, animals, steak, and water.
Dislikes: Humans, traps, concrete jungles, labs,
Looks: in picture
on October 23, 2014

Google Image Result for http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/875386-bigthumbnail.jpg
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on October 23, 2014

Trevor Young
on October 22, 2014

Memoca:*sitting by a lake with her hand on her head looking at the sky símil ing and sighs*what a beutiful day!

Sean: *he sighed, not want to be in the same area with a sadistic and prideful eagle, an annoying and talkative wolf, and a nonchalant and lazy cat.*
Sammi: Haha, who's the hypocrite here? Not all dogs like bones.
Sammi: Haha, who's the hypocrite here? Not all dogs like bones.
on October 22, 2014

Felix: If i give you a bone will you shut up? *He asked as he bit into his fish, trying to savor the flavor.*
on October 22, 2014

Daniel: Wow. Cats ARE lazy. With that attitude, he'll die in a matter of weeks.
Sammi: Five bucks if he dies in a month!
Sean: You're betting on someone's death? Ha. How cruel. Continue.
Sammi: Five bucks if he dies in a month!
Sean: You're betting on someone's death? Ha. How cruel. Continue.
on October 22, 2014

Felix: I stopped caring quite a while ago. *He stated as he got up to wade into the lake. He watched carefully and snagged a silver fish out of the water. He walked back out and went off on his own to eat his meal.*
on October 22, 2014

Sammi: Oh, at least I'm kind enough to remember who I kill. They won't forget me. Unless if you're a cat of course, they're too lazy.
*she emphasized the word "lazy", showing her newfound hatred towards cats.*
Daniel: Well, my throat is hoarse from all that talking. Now, cat, can we put this conversation behind us please?
*she emphasized the word "lazy", showing her newfound hatred towards cats.*
Daniel: Well, my throat is hoarse from all that talking. Now, cat, can we put this conversation behind us please?
on October 22, 2014
on October 22, 2014

Name: Derik Fennik
Age: 16
Counterpart: Fox
Backstory: Was raised in a lab where kids were injected with animal DNA, when he grew up he ran away to where he is now. He is VERY mischievous
Likes: Pretty much everything
Dislikes: Pretty much nothing
Age: 16
Counterpart: Fox
Backstory: Was raised in a lab where kids were injected with animal DNA, when he grew up he ran away to where he is now. He is VERY mischievous
Likes: Pretty much everything
Dislikes: Pretty much nothing
on October 22, 2014

Edward: *watching from a distance, looking at Sophie*

on October 24, 2014
on October 22, 2014

Ava: *in the woods walking with Ike*
Ike: *walking with Ava*
Ike: *walking with Ava*
on October 22, 2014

Remoca:*like always,walking by a iceberg with her seriouse look*
on October 21, 2014

Name: Ava
Age: 17
Counterpart: wolf
Backstory: she was a science experiment when she was for. They injected her with wolf DNA many times. She would be in pain for most of the time. The scientist made Ava protect them and the others. When the government found out what the scientist have been doing the took Ava and many other kids away. All were sent to an orphanage. Ava was that there for long when she was adopted. She was always made fun of at school and by her neighbors. She See More met a boy ,Ike ,just like her and they became friends. Ava's parents were then murdered and she had no where to go. The boy she hung out with had lost his parents to so they took care of each other.
Likes: the dark, the moon ,meat ,and being with Ike
Dislikes: people using her
Name: Ike
Age: 19
Counterpart: wolf
Backstory: (like Ava's)
Likes: the moon ,and being with Ava
Dislike: being hurt by others
Age: 17
Counterpart: wolf
Backstory: she was a science experiment when she was for. They injected her with wolf DNA many times. She would be in pain for most of the time. The scientist made Ava protect them and the others. When the government found out what the scientist have been doing the took Ava and many other kids away. All were sent to an orphanage. Ava was that there for long when she was adopted. She was always made fun of at school and by her neighbors. She See More met a boy ,Ike ,just like her and they became friends. Ava's parents were then murdered and she had no where to go. The boy she hung out with had lost his parents to so they took care of each other.
Likes: the dark, the moon ,meat ,and being with Ike
Dislikes: people using her
Name: Ike
Age: 19
Counterpart: wolf
Backstory: (like Ava's)
Likes: the moon ,and being with Ava
Dislike: being hurt by others
on October 21, 2014

Edward: * wanders around the park, but them saw a black cat* *bends down and pets it* Aww, how cute...
Sophie(yes, she's the black cat): *purrs*
Sophie(yes, she's the black cat): *purrs*

Sophie: *comes out of the forest, now in her human form*
Edward: ... You were there the whole time...?
Edward: ... You were there the whole time...?
on October 21, 2014

Edward: *accidentally drops down Sophie and she scampers away into the forest* Aww!!! And I was going to bring her home!!!
Sophie: *meows thanks and goes into the forest, leaving her transform, which makes a mist appear*
Sophie: *meows thanks and goes into the forest, leaving her transform, which makes a mist appear*
on October 21, 2014
on October 21, 2014

Name: Tara.
Age: 17.
Counterpart: Cat.
Backstory: Abandoned When She Was Born, Just Because She Was A Mix Breed.
Likes: Yarn, Fish, The Sun, Flowers, And Happiness.
Dislikes: Dogs, Loud Noises, Large Predators, And Water.
Age: 17.
Counterpart: Cat.
Backstory: Abandoned When She Was Born, Just Because She Was A Mix Breed.
Likes: Yarn, Fish, The Sun, Flowers, And Happiness.
Dislikes: Dogs, Loud Noises, Large Predators, And Water.
on October 20, 2014

Vanessa: *sitting in a tree in a quite forest*
on October 20, 2014

Name: Chestnut
Age: 21
Counterpart: Deer
Backstory: Will be revealed in teh RP u.u
Likes: Coffee, milk, nuts, warmth
Dislikes: Bullies, snow, the night
Age: 21
Counterpart: Deer
Backstory: Will be revealed in teh RP u.u
Likes: Coffee, milk, nuts, warmth
Dislikes: Bullies, snow, the night
on October 20, 2014

Eyanva: *crouches on a tree branch and gazes at the other Half-Animals milling around with a disgusted look on her face*

on October 20, 2014
on October 20, 2014

Name: Eyanva
Age: 18
Counterpart: Bat
Backstory: Ran away from home when her parents were assaulted by her siblings and when she went back she killed her entire nest. Her personality is very dark and gruesome, she's very cold and unfriendly to new people.
Likes: The dark, the moon, heights
Dislikes: Pink, humans, anyone younger than her
Age: 18
Counterpart: Bat
Backstory: Ran away from home when her parents were assaulted by her siblings and when she went back she killed her entire nest. Her personality is very dark and gruesome, she's very cold and unfriendly to new people.
Likes: The dark, the moon, heights
Dislikes: Pink, humans, anyone younger than her
on October 20, 2014

Alice:Are you sure Artemis?
Artemis:Totally! It's fool-proof!
James:I dunno guys where are we gonna even find others like us?
Artemis:Totally! It's fool-proof!
James:I dunno guys where are we gonna even find others like us?
on October 20, 2014
Edward: Idiot...
*flies halfway up then lands on the ground, as if she just jumped really high*
Sophie: OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!