Outbreak : The Untold Stories
Surviving the zombie outbreak can be challenging. Are you up to the task, or are you another victim?

Zoey: *panting* Oh my god...no...! M-mom! *falls to her knees and starts to cry* Oh, god why?! Why did this happen to me?! *looks at her mother and closes her mother's eyes and wiped her tears away and picked up the 45cal. pistol* I have to make it...I must be strong, I must fight. I must prove to myself that I have what it takes to survive this! *walks through out the alley*
on June 15, 2017

Name: Daniel Malone
Age: 26
Personality; Greedy, selfish, strong willed
Backstory: Daniel had a rough childhood, constantly being abused by his mother and father. In his teen years, Daniel began to get into drugs and getting into fights in school until he met the girl of his dreams, Jenny Taylor. Daniel vowed to change his ways and eventually graduated high school at 19 years of age. Daniel then became a mechanic and started his own biker club. Daniel and Jenny eventually married See More and after a week of their marriage, Jenny was mauled by the infected in front of Daniel and he lost his mind and now dictates anyway he comes across his path.
Age: 26
Personality; Greedy, selfish, strong willed
Backstory: Daniel had a rough childhood, constantly being abused by his mother and father. In his teen years, Daniel began to get into drugs and getting into fights in school until he met the girl of his dreams, Jenny Taylor. Daniel vowed to change his ways and eventually graduated high school at 19 years of age. Daniel then became a mechanic and started his own biker club. Daniel and Jenny eventually married See More and after a week of their marriage, Jenny was mauled by the infected in front of Daniel and he lost his mind and now dictates anyway he comes across his path.
on June 15, 2017

Name: Adam ???
Age: ???
Personality: Arrogant, Loner, Loving of Lily
Backstory: ???
Age: ???
Personality: Arrogant, Loner, Loving of Lily
Backstory: ???
on June 15, 2017

Name: Shannon Rivers
Age: ??? (Guess what? Figure it out!)
Personality: Caring, Naïve, Protective, Quick Thinker
Backstory: (Will give as you figure it out!)
Age: ??? (Guess what? Figure it out!)
Personality: Caring, Naïve, Protective, Quick Thinker
Backstory: (Will give as you figure it out!)
on June 15, 2017

Name: Zoey Maxine Kennedy
Age: 17
Personality: Independent, shy, strong willed
Backstory: Zoey hasn't seen much of her father. All she can remember that he always worked to provide for his family and he died in a car accident. Zoey was 4 years old then. After the accident. life has been tough for her and her mother. After her father's death, Zoey's mother, Ellie Kennedy worked a lot to provide for her. Zoey also had it rough at school with being constantly picked on and always See More felt alone, but she could always look up to her mother until the zombies had attacked her and her mother. Ellie was bitten and wished not to turn and Zoey was forced to put her out of her mother's misery.
Age: 17
Personality: Independent, shy, strong willed
Backstory: Zoey hasn't seen much of her father. All she can remember that he always worked to provide for his family and he died in a car accident. Zoey was 4 years old then. After the accident. life has been tough for her and her mother. After her father's death, Zoey's mother, Ellie Kennedy worked a lot to provide for her. Zoey also had it rough at school with being constantly picked on and always See More felt alone, but she could always look up to her mother until the zombies had attacked her and her mother. Ellie was bitten and wished not to turn and Zoey was forced to put her out of her mother's misery.
on June 15, 2017
*hearing Adam's comment, Zoey looked over at Adam* Yeah, seems to happen a lot in this situation.
*she took a breath and looked over at Lily* Everything's okay now, Lily.
*looking over at the man* Are you Robert Kendo, sir?
???: Who are you? What are you doing here? *the man asked, apparently in shock*
Adam: *putting his hands up instinctively* Hey man, calm yourself! We're just passing through.
???: *he hesitated a moment, as if making sure, pumping his shotgun once before lowering it*
Lily: *she See More let out the breath she was holding in as things started to deescalate*
???: Sorry about that. I thought you were one of them. *making his way to the back door and locking it*
Adam: Damn...*wiping the sweat from his brow, looking over at Zoey* Sure love close calls today, huh?
*seeing the sleeping bag and other items, she raised an eyebrow* Yeah...it looks that way...
*realizing that they no long had a reason to be there was pretty much non-existent as she looked around at the smashed empty gun cases*
Well...it could be the owner Robert Kendo, but anyone could See More have taken shelter here...since there's not guns we best go before they come back.
*immediately in front of him, and to his right, there were counters, with display cases where guns would be*
If there were any left over of course...*thinking out loud, deciding to walk behind the counter directly in front of the backdoor*
*getting bored staring at the empty cases, See More knowing he wouldn't find anything, he looked down and stopped*
*behind the counter, there was a sleeping bag set up, with a few scattered food supplies, and a backpack*
Uh guys...? I don't think this place is abandoned...*knowing someone was using this as their base*
*Zoey made her way to the door and she leaned against one side of the door with her 45. Cal drawn*
Alright. We're going in. *she slowly turned the knob, she could feel her heart beat getting faster and she moved her head to take a peek inside the See More room.
*opening the wider and wider, Zoey didn't see any signs of life and she stepped inside*
*Zoey poked her head back outside and said* Okay, it's clear. Come on. *she walked around the store in search of any gun cases*