what shows did you watch as a kid or still watch this day, or what ever <3
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Childhood shows/channels
Do you miss your old childhood shows and channels like PLAYHOUSE Disney, nick Jr., sprout, or a terminated channel like noggin? Well this is the place to be! Go back to the old days of your childhood, and seek memories of shows you used to watch, and tell us about I here!
on June 26, 2015

Wonder pets, pinky dinky doo, wow wow wubzy, oobi, my friends tiger and pooh, the upside down show, peep, little bear, franklin, care bears, no hao kilan, MAD (MAD was my favorite show before tawog, and I'm sad it had to end), the amazing world of gumball, Teletubbies and probs more. Anyone remember the mascots of Nick Jr.: Moose and that flying blue bird that's with him?
on June 26, 2015
I watched: Spongeob, Dora, Diego (rarely tho xD), umm ... Something called: ni hao kyan? I forgot he name lol
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
on August 05, 2015
on February 12, 2015
on February 12, 2015

I barely had a childhood, I grew up to fast ;-;

I learned curse words at age 2 XD
Even my 3 year old cousin, he said the other day "This daycare is a shit hole"
Im guessing you grew up in a family that would be like "not around the kids" or something, seeming that you learned at age 12
Even my 3 year old cousin, he said the other day "This daycare is a shit hole"
Im guessing you grew up in a family that would be like "not around the kids" or something, seeming that you learned at age 12
on February 04, 2015

I learned too many things in like a year, and I was only 9 :3 Whoops...
Not my fault I grew up in a open/dirty-minded family.
Not my fault I grew up in a open/dirty-minded family.
on February 04, 2015
on February 03, 2015

Tellatubbies, Seseame Street, Dora the Explora, Go Diego Go, Muppets, Care Bears, the OLD Mlp, Learning with the Poo Good, other stuff idk
on February 03, 2015

Got bullied alot so I don't like to think bout my past..
on February 03, 2015

on February 03, 2015

i watched Care bears(and still have a plushy),Thomas the tank engine (yeah :( ) and dora
on February 03, 2015

ONE WORD!!!! TELLATUBBYS......XD ok maybe watched more then that back n meh day! XD DORA,SPONGEBOB!!!! aanddd stll watch SpongeBob! WONDER PETS!!!! FRAGGLE ROCK!!! SESAME STREET!!!! KIM POSSABLE!!! AAAAANNNDDD......THE MUPPET SSSHHHOOWWW YYYYAAAAYYY!!!! XD
on August 05, 2015

OH GAWD!! XD LMAO!!!! read the one before ths and the one before that... .-. you mght cry...just warnng you.... .-.
on February 03, 2015

XD teletubbies was apart if my childhood too!
When I was 3: *totally know wants going on this is so simple* baby sun! Rise! :D po..PO WTF ARE YOU DOING!? THATS TINKY-WINKYS TRICYCLE! PUT IT BACK! TINKY-WINKY THIS MOTHERF***ER IS TRYING TO STEAL YOUR TRICYCLE!!!
Me when I rewatched it as a 11 year old: Wait..that's la-la? I thought that was tinky-winky! See More HOW IN GODS NAME DID THIS MAKE SENSE TO ME WHEN I WAS 3!?!?
When I was 3: *totally know wants going on this is so simple* baby sun! Rise! :D po..PO WTF ARE YOU DOING!? THATS TINKY-WINKYS TRICYCLE! PUT IT BACK! TINKY-WINKY THIS MOTHERF***ER IS TRYING TO STEAL YOUR TRICYCLE!!!
Me when I rewatched it as a 11 year old: Wait..that's la-la? I thought that was tinky-winky! See More HOW IN GODS NAME DID THIS MAKE SENSE TO ME WHEN I WAS 3!?!?
on February 03, 2015
on February 03, 2015

Hmm...Kim Possible, Dora, Pokemon, Naruto, and many more that I can't remember;-;
on February 03, 2015

I started watching anime when I was was either naruto or pokemon...
on February 03, 2015

Care Bears S02E07 The Big Star Round Up
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on February 03, 2015