Qfeasters who deserve to be known
This is a page where you can post your favorite qffeasters who deserve to be known
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You know what? Screwdriver it. I'm an unknown Qfeaster and happy.
on May 04, 2015

@seippup12 cuz she's awesome :3
on May 03, 2015

I may have just met him not even 10 minutes ago! But he should be known!
on April 23, 2015

as many of you know i have made a poll for everyone to pic a winner for the best qfeatser who needs to be known and i am proud to present the winner....... @GothicsKittlescupcake
on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015

These four deserve some kind of award for being the most epic family I could ever hope for!
Honestly, if you love to RP, then this is the crowd to get in with!
I can't say enough how much each contributes to RPs, making many epic moments between OCs! See More
If you aren't following them, then you probably aren't an RPer XD
Look them up, you won't be disappointed, promise!
~ Sir DragonLance103 ~
These four deserve some kind of award for being the most epic family I could ever hope for!
Honestly, if you love to RP, then this is the crowd to get in with!
I can't say enough how much each contributes to RPs, making many epic moments between OCs! See More
If you aren't following them, then you probably aren't an RPer XD
Look them up, you won't be disappointed, promise!
~ Sir DragonLance103 ~

Dragon: *feeling the poke, he looked over, giving a mock frowning face, which turned into a smile*
True true! You wouldn't believe the dream I was having! *the daydream clear in his mind yet*
I was part of a team surviving in the zombie apocalypse, and there was this building, it was so realistic!
And...*continues to tell you the story of the dream that I already See More told you about XD*
It was amazing! *leaning back against the tree, putting his hands behind his head*
(yes, I am talking about myself in the 3rd person XD)
True true! You wouldn't believe the dream I was having! *the daydream clear in his mind yet*
I was part of a team surviving in the zombie apocalypse, and there was this building, it was so realistic!
And...*continues to tell you the story of the dream that I already See More told you about XD*
It was amazing! *leaning back against the tree, putting his hands behind his head*
(yes, I am talking about myself in the 3rd person XD)
on April 10, 2015

Elleyd started high school this past fall...
She had to make time for sports and homework.
That said, she cut her time on here to almost nothing.
Every now and again she comes back around.
I do agree with you though, she is an amazing RPer! See More
Dragon: *sitting lazily under a tree, watching the unicorn fly down beside him*
Hey, how goes it sis!? *sitting up now, having almost fallen asleep in the warm sun*
Thought you'd never get here! *standing up, stretching, looking up*
It's already afternoon! You're like...hours late! *being over dramatic, laughing*
She had to make time for sports and homework.
That said, she cut her time on here to almost nothing.
Every now and again she comes back around.
I do agree with you though, she is an amazing RPer! See More
Dragon: *sitting lazily under a tree, watching the unicorn fly down beside him*
Hey, how goes it sis!? *sitting up now, having almost fallen asleep in the warm sun*
Thought you'd never get here! *standing up, stretching, looking up*
It's already afternoon! You're like...hours late! *being over dramatic, laughing*
on April 10, 2015

I used to roleplay with Elleyd but I have no idea what happened, I miss her though I thought she was amazing-. But yea, I tried to get on it and it wouldn't let me. ;7;
on April 10, 2015

on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015
on May 04, 2015
You're welcome
@Kanya888 and @gothicskittlescupcake you both deserve to be known:)
@Kanya888 and @gothicskittlescupcake you both deserve to be known:)
on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015
on April 10, 2015

If you are on qfeast and don't know para then
you must be living under a rock ;p
just cause he's meh bro :3
If you are on qfeast and don't know para then
you must be living under a rock ;p
just cause he's meh bro :3
on April 09, 2015

@Matlen See More
I'll more peeps later!
@Matlen See More
I'll more peeps later!
on May 04, 2015
on April 10, 2015
on April 09, 2015

on April 09, 2015

@DragonLance103 Let me tell you, he is one brilliant role player. He is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. He's funny, laid-back, and a dedicated friend. Plus, he has the Sass Master seal of approval. Best wishes, bro.
on April 09, 2015

on April 09, 2015

@Strider See More
@Strider See More
on April 09, 2015