Qfeaster Stories
I know you're on Qfeast but other than my close friends I don't know who you are. I want to know. Tell me your story. What your going through, what you have been through. Anything. This is a page where you can discover who other qfeasters really are as well as letting qfeasters know who you are.
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Alright this wa about 2 years ago and i just fotten to my moms house in MO from WI by plane. Of course i settled into her new house and spent most of my night snuggling with Daffy(my cat at the time r.i.p Daffy. I will always love you). So later I decide to take a shower late at night but after about 7 minutes my mom starts banging on the locked door telling me to get out of the bathroom and hide in my room. I wrapped a towel around myself, took my clothes to my room, and got See More changed into my pjs while my mom closed the blinds since i had 2 windows almost as tall as me one on the left side of my bed, the other behind my bed. When I asked my mom what was going on she said Daffy had been acting weird so my stepdad took him outside and he saw an african american dude looking into the window of our bathroom and taking pictures. Our bathroom window is very small since our house is kinda encircled by a cliff so you'd have to lay on your stomach to see through the window. Yeah the police were called to my house and i stayed in my room scared that i might see someone. I dont know if they caught him but i hope they did. When he saw my stepdad he ran off but whats weirder was the fact that the night before i came an african american woman had assulted their house by throwing eggs at my moms house. I dont know what happened to her but this scared me for a good week. I hope no one ever has to deal with something like that.
on May 03, 2016

A lot of you know my story... So I won't tell everyone. If you really need to know, just ask me.
on October 11, 2015

I hate it. My mom's back with her boyfriend. I don't like it one single bit. She already knows he's married, he'll never, EVER, divorce his wife just to be with her. She complains to me every single time she has problems with him. She hates him one moment, and then she loves him the next. They've been in this on-and-off relationship and I don't know when it's gonna officially end. She keeps saying that every one of her breakups with him it's "official", but it never is. I feel See More like she starts to neglect me whenever her boyfriend is around. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

I think it's that she's afraid that she'll never get another man in her life, and so she ignores logic and everything other than him.
on February 18, 2015

Even when I cried in front of her one time, she didn't notice. Why? Because she was with HIM. What's so special about him? I don't get it. I've been with her through everything & she neglects me just like that. I don't want to talk to her now.
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

I should add something to my past as well. During 6th grade, out of all the things that depressed me, this hurt me the most. My parent abused me. (Again, this is really bad for me to remember and I don't want to say names here). Anyways, besides my classmates bullying me for no reason, my so-called "friends" ignoring me sometimes, and always being left out, my parent abused me at home. I never did self-harming, though. I just wanted to die in that time. With everyone hating me, See More I felt like I wasn't needed for anything and that I should just go away. I remember crying in the restroom every day after school. Almost nothing made me happy. My parent abused me because he/she (I don't want to say who it is) tried so hard to get an A on every homework assignment that he/he didn't realize it was only making him/her stressed out. I know it's hard to be a single parent. I also remember this one time that my parent was so stressed in the morning that he/she gripped my neck so hard, it made a deep mark on my skin and it was bleeding. Now, my parent and I get along well though. He/She doesn't really check my homework nowadays. I pretty much get As on my own. I also gave myself a conclusion to never speak my depression to him/her. I may have looked normal at that time, but deep down, I was literally wanting to commit...THAT. If I ever spoken about this to my mom, she would probably be stressed out again. I don't want that.

And still, I didn't get what most of the problems explained even if I did study. My teacher really sucked at her job. Anyways, about the bully thing, I don't even know why they did at that time. Right now, they're pretty much friendly to me, but I still have a grudge against them..I didn't really want to tell anyone because I was too scared I have to move schools See More again and I didn't want to cause more stress for my parent at that time.
on September 13, 2014

on September 13, 2014

I couldn't really do that at the time. I really sucked on homework(except math sometimes :-B ) and I asked my parent about it a lot. That was part of the cause what my parent did. In 6th grade, my teacher sucked because she claims everything's easy but she just makes it harder. There were even some times she didn't know the answer herself. I'm just glad it's See More over.
on September 13, 2014

U know wat u should of talk with your parents and say
"Look,idk why your doing this but,im trying my best to Make a A,the importante is that,i do my home work and i do my best,if i dont understand somthing i promise ask my Teacher to explain me better,so There r no reason to be hurting me and also...they r bulling me,can u talk with them and the director from See More school?"
"Look,idk why your doing this but,im trying my best to Make a A,the importante is that,i do my home work and i do my best,if i dont understand somthing i promise ask my Teacher to explain me better,so There r no reason to be hurting me and also...they r bulling me,can u talk with them and the director from See More school?"
on September 13, 2014
on September 13, 2014
My Real Story. I was surprised when Maddy (MMMMMMM6) was so completely honest with everything in her story. I was proud because I knew how much time she would have spent deciding whether or not to post that. I wasn't completely honest in my story because I couldn't quite get all the courage that Maddy had. Now I feel like if I don't do this I will not be able to get it out of my system for my whole life. I've never told any of my friends this. In my whole life I've only ever told See More 2 people. But here it is. When I was 10 my parents split up. I had the stupid mindset that it was my fault. I never quite forgave myself. When was older I certainly knew I was wrong, I still kept believing at the back of my mind that it was my fault. I got on well with my step brothers and my half sisters were adorable. I started to cut my wrists with a razor. I never told anyone because I had such a great life I didn't feel like I deserved to cut. That was until I met Maddy. I wanted to get to know her so badly. At first I didn't know why. I was just drawn to this beautiful girl that was always smiling and laughing. I eventually went to talk to her she was friendly but distant. I spoke her friends and they told me it was because I hung out with the populars. People that had once bullied her to the point that she no longer trusted them or anyone who was with them. She thought they all had the same mindset and she thought that I was one of them, which I was, but not all of them were like the ones she had issues with. A lot of the people I was with were very nice and she had never got to know them because of awful things the others had done to her. I continued to talk to her and earn her trust but I never had her full trust until I told her one of my most well kept secrets. I told her about my cutting and after that she changed. She started to open up to me. That was how our relationship started. I'm proud to say that I no longer cut. Maddy helped me stop. She showed me that she cared. So I stopped. So this is my story. I love you Maddy <3
on September 11, 2014

Please continue to post your stories. Encourage friends to as well. We can all know one another better
on September 10, 2014

Crazy weekend!!!

Friday- Mom and her boyfriend first decided to go to the park(leaving me at home alone because I don't want to go with them), and then later decided to go to the hotel (making me sleep alone for the whole night).
Saturday- Mom came back around 8 in the morning, went to the library at 9, and left me with my grandma because she has to fix her car. She later picked See More me up at around 6.
Sunday: Mom went with her boyfriend at around 9 in the morning and left me with my grandma(I just don't want to go with them). My little cousins were at my grandma's too(they're pretty much the definition of crazy!!!). Mom picked me up at around 9 at night.
Saturday- Mom came back around 8 in the morning, went to the library at 9, and left me with my grandma because she has to fix her car. She later picked See More me up at around 6.
Sunday: Mom went with her boyfriend at around 9 in the morning and left me with my grandma(I just don't want to go with them). My little cousins were at my grandma's too(they're pretty much the definition of crazy!!!). Mom picked me up at around 9 at night.
on September 09, 2014
on September 08, 2014

on September 07, 2014

Well since Logan posted his story I thought I may as well post mine. This is the truth. I know a lot of you probably already know it or have heard about it but I'm going to say it in my words. After Logan and I broke up when he moved schools I met a boy named Alex. I thought he cared about me more than anyone, even more than Logan had. I spent heaps of time with him after school just hanging out. We talked for hours and I started to like him. I could relate to everything he said See More and he was always there for me when I needed to talk to him. The problem was that he had a girlfriend and he was also 2 years above me. His girlfriend would kill me if she found out that i had feelings for him so i started to avoid him. That was fine until one day he kissed me. I told him that we shouldn't kiss because he had a girlfriend. That's when he started to get violent. He would slap me if I didn't kiss him. Then he started to punch me and suffocate me. But then he would tell me that he loved me and I was so confused that I believed him. Then a day after I got back together with Logan, I was at school about to go home. I had my phone in my hand and as I promised Logan I was going to call the police if Alex touched me again. But then two senior boys who I had seen around but never spoken to grabbed my phone and pushed me into a supplies classroom. That was where Alex raped me. After that I wasn't quite the same and I might not ever be the same. Thank God Logan still loved me even through that. I don't quite know what I would do without him. I love you Logan. x And that is a big part of my story. Please don't hate on me though. It took me a lot of courage to post this.
omg thats a freaky lyf you got there, take it easy ok? im sad to hear that you got raped, be strong, dont do anything risky, just run as fast as you can away from him, or everything is not or is it fine, reply if it is over nor not over
on July 22, 2015
on September 07, 2014
on September 07, 2014

I first became a book nerd I second grade and read all of the Harry potter book then and in third grade I read most of the classics and all of the warrior book that were real eased at that time.
In fourth grade I met my best friend @PikachuKetchum and I met @Turtlefluff but she wasn't my best friend till fifth grade. They are the main reason why I joined qfeast.
I have many funny short stories but this is the main story of my life as a book nerd
In fourth grade I met my best friend @PikachuKetchum and I met @Turtlefluff but she wasn't my best friend till fifth grade. They are the main reason why I joined qfeast.
I have many funny short stories but this is the main story of my life as a book nerd
on September 07, 2014
I don't really have much of a story. I've always been pretty lucky with friends. I seemed to get them quite easily, but I've seen so many acts of bullying happen and I've had to stand up for so many other people, but I'm glad I could be there for them. My parents split up so I have quite a few siblings, but they are mostly half brothers and half sisters but we have become so close that we never call each other that In year 8 I met Maddy (MMMMMMM6) who is my girlfriend now. But See More when I met her I realised that she had to be the most beautiful girl on the planet. She was always looking out for others, hardly ever herself. She was always smiling and laughing. So one day I decided that I would talk to her. Even though we were always in different groups and would never hang out together I decided to talk to her and I'm so glad I did. We eventually became really close friends after finding out that we had a lot in common and we fell in love. Then I had to leave our school because I couldn't afford to go there anymore and we decided to break up because we thought our love wouldn't last if we couldn't see each other everyday but we were so wrong. I got back together with Maddy a day before something really bad happened to her (I'll let her explain it in her own story if she wants) but I'm so glad we did. Now we have a strong relationship and I couldn't see myself living without her any other way.

on September 10, 2014
on September 07, 2014

aww that's so nice that you thought I was the most beautiful girl on the planet. I'm actually blushing
on September 07, 2014

That's so sweet. Very few people in this day and age have that strong of a relationship and mean it too. Kudos to you both!
on September 07, 2014
on September 07, 2014
on September 07, 2014

Pretty good today!:D

on September 05, 2014
on September 05, 2014

Today was horrible! I'm crying by just THINKING about it!:((

on September 04, 2014
on September 04, 2014

Well, in truth this is everything that's going on with me at the moment:

The Truth behind High School
This is not fiction; this is not made-up or exaggerated; this is MY story of my high school life. I will include tips, tricks, and advice for your benefit. Take a step into my life as I guide you through high school.
on September 04, 2014

I was always awwwwed and poked for being a little cute kid (thanks parents -_-) and it made me feel like a doll. I hated it. So I was violent and tried to be tough instead (didn't really work, I was only in year 3 ) I beat up boys (or they let me, I don't really know) but in year 5 I sort of stopped. Don't know why. So I grew up and got older, less cute. Found some new friends. Became the thing I am now. I am very confused about what personality I actually have, because of pretending See More for so long. I don't want to be spoilt and bossy and aloof (like most people who knew me as a kid in school up to year 5 thought of me) . I don't want to be a tough girl. I've seen who they become in my class. So yeah, not sure what I am. It's not a big dramatic hard story. But it's true.
on September 03, 2014

So at school people sometimes say "Hey, why are you always depressed?" Or "You don't talk much do you? Why not?" And so I suppose I'll tell yo peeps.
Some of you Kay know that I'm bipolar. If you don't know what that means it means I change emotions really quickly. Most of the time my emotions are mad, depressed, or neutral. I only smile when I'm with my friends when they make me laugh. When I'm in one of my depressed phases people know not to bother me because sometimes I'll See More snap and start crying or just cuss them out or something. My bipolar depression issues were a big problem in 5th and 6th grade for me. So my parents took me to see a psychologist. I went there about three or four tines and I haven't seen him again yet... anyways my parents thought I was stressed from the change to Middle School but that wasn't it. Idk what it was actually and I probably never will.
Also I don't talk a lot because I have a speech implement which alters my way of pronouncing some letters. I used to get brutal teasing about the way I spoke and eventually I just learned to keep my mouth shut and talk as little as possible. I don't smile not only because of my bipolar depression but also because it scares people away so they don't tease me an ymore
Some of you Kay know that I'm bipolar. If you don't know what that means it means I change emotions really quickly. Most of the time my emotions are mad, depressed, or neutral. I only smile when I'm with my friends when they make me laugh. When I'm in one of my depressed phases people know not to bother me because sometimes I'll See More snap and start crying or just cuss them out or something. My bipolar depression issues were a big problem in 5th and 6th grade for me. So my parents took me to see a psychologist. I went there about three or four tines and I haven't seen him again yet... anyways my parents thought I was stressed from the change to Middle School but that wasn't it. Idk what it was actually and I probably never will.
Also I don't talk a lot because I have a speech implement which alters my way of pronouncing some letters. I used to get brutal teasing about the way I spoke and eventually I just learned to keep my mouth shut and talk as little as possible. I don't smile not only because of my bipolar depression but also because it scares people away so they don't tease me an ymore

I have bipolar too, well they're pretty sure but I haven't been completely diagnosed yet coz im still getting over some stuff
on September 03, 2014
on September 03, 2014

First off, my used-to-be-a-crush is kind of being a bit jerky to me. I mean, we DO get along well, but right now I'm trying to annoy the heck out of him so he can tell me why he likes me!(Comment below if you want me to explain that story). Otherwise, today is pretty good. X-(
First off, my used-to-be-a-crush is kind of being a bit jerky to me. I mean, we DO get along well, but right now I'm trying to annoy the heck out of him so he can tell me why he likes me!(Comment below if you want me to explain that story). Otherwise, today is pretty good. X-(

Hmmm...It might work out! Keep being close to him! (That's probably how I got my crush to like me...It really helped that we were best buds, too) Pretty much, just be yourself around him!
on September 03, 2014

on September 03, 2014
on September 03, 2014

Thankyou to everyone who has already shared their stories. Please continue to do so, I find them really interesting and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
on September 02, 2014

Ehhh, I have some pretty interesting stuff to share. Stuff I haven't told anyone. Even my closest friends. If youwanna hear something comment below.

Mothers. Everyone loves mothers. Not me. Mine was a frickin pr*stitute or something. She had a ton of kids and went through boyfriends faster than I go through pencils. When I was born she decided she didn't want my twin and I so... she left. But then my current adoptive parents came along and adopted us. As a baby I was very sickly and frail as most twins are. See More I got the short end of the straw and had to be hospitalized for ten weeks. When I got better I got to go to my new parents apartment. That's pretty much my first story. I'll post later on why I don't like talking and smiling.
on September 02, 2014
on September 02, 2014