Welcome, Minecraft fans, to the ultimate page for all things Minecraft! Share your builds and skins, reccomend servers, post pictures-anything!
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Xbox got an update, and I got something I've been waiting for for a while now....horses! :D
on December 19, 2014

on December 07, 2014

on November 22, 2014

Feel free to join this Rp!
User: JeweledOwl812
Nickname: Jewel or Jeweled
Server: a survival server
Game mode: survival...? xD See More
*spawns in, wary of players and pvp*
*starts chopping wood*
User: JeweledOwl812
Nickname: Jewel or Jeweled
Server: a survival server
Game mode: survival...? xD See More
*spawns in, wary of players and pvp*
*starts chopping wood*

Tiger: Really? Thanks! *Dyes different pieces of armor different colors then goes to look for some bones to make pink dye*
on November 22, 2014

on November 22, 2014

(Oh okay. :D)
Tiger: *Puts on armor and looks at herself in the mirror (which is just glass in the wall but still)* I look pretty good I guess...
Tiger: *Puts on armor and looks at herself in the mirror (which is just glass in the wall but still)* I look pretty good I guess...
on November 22, 2014
on November 21, 2014

Minecraft | MORE WOLVES MOD! (Three Headed Wolf?!) | Mod Showcase
► Subscribe and join TeamTDM! :: http://bit.ly/TxtGm8 ► Previous Mod :: http://bit.ly/1ur7zjm ► Follow Me on Twitter :: http://www.twitter.com/DiamondMinecar...
on November 15, 2014

Plz answer this question, and share the cool servers you like to go on! :)

Any Recommended Minecraft Servers?
For all the Minecrafters out there, do you have any servers (Creative, Survival, Minigame, etc.) that you reccomend? Please include the server type, ip, and of course the server name!
on November 12, 2014

on November 10, 2014

Lol :)
on October 31, 2014

On a scale of 1 to 10, how much you you like MC?
on October 28, 2014

Starting in FIVE MINUTES!

Jewel and Raven's Halloween Extravaganza
JeweledOwl812 and Ravenclaw3243 are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server Build Freeks! The Ip is: mc.buildfreeks.com
Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Café-of-Doom. It's an hour long at 2:00 PM (Eastern US time) on Sunday Oct. 26. It's gonna be SUPER FUN! We will be spending 45 minutes at the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and the last 15 minutes at the cafe.
Please be there!
(NOTE: You must have Minecraft PC to go on servers.)
Other: Go to Jewel's plot by using the command: /plotme home JeweledOwl812
and go to my plot by using the command: /plotme home Ravenclaw3243
Please do /ptime night (be in nighttime (SPOOKY!))
Follow the rules!
Hope to see you there! :D
on October 26, 2014

REMEMBER!! Jewel and Raven's MC Halloween Extravaganza is TODAY at 2:00 PM Eastern US Time!!
For more info go here: http://www.qfeast.com/question/5VykhD/Jewel-and-Raven-s-Halloween-Extravaganza
For more info go here: http://www.qfeast.com/question/5VykhD/Jewel-and-Raven-s-Halloween-Extravaganza

Jewel and Raven's Halloween Extravaganza
JeweledOwl812 and Ravenclaw3243 are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server Build Freeks! The Ip is: mc.buildfreeks.com
Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Café-of-Doom. It's an hour long at 2:00 PM (Eastern US time) on Sunday Oct. 26. It's gonna be SUPER FUN! We will be spending 45 minutes at the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and the last 15 minutes at the cafe.
Please be there!
(NOTE: You must have Minecraft PC to go on servers.)
Other: Go to Jewel's plot by using the command: /plotme home JeweledOwl812
and go to my plot by using the command: /plotme home Ravenclaw3243
Please do /ptime night (be in nighttime (SPOOKY!))
Follow the rules!
Hope to see you there! :D
on October 26, 2014

Jewel and Raven's Halloween Extravaganza
JeweledOwl812 and Ravenclaw3243 are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server Build Freeks! The Ip is: mc.buildfreeks.com
Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Café-of-Doom. It's an hour long at 2:00 PM (Eastern US time) on Sunday Oct. 26. It's gonna be SUPER FUN! We will be spending 45 minutes at the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and the last 15 minutes at the cafe.
Please be there!
(NOTE: You must have Minecraft PC to go on servers.)
Other: Go to Jewel's plot by using the command: /plotme home JeweledOwl812
and go to my plot by using the command: /plotme home Ravenclaw3243
Please do /ptime night (be in nighttime (SPOOKY!))
Follow the rules!
Hope to see you there! :D
on October 25, 2014

Minecraft Halloween!
JeweledOwl812 and I (Ravenclaw3243) are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server: mc.buildfreeks.com
Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Cafe-of-Doom. It's an hour long at 2:00 PM (Eastern US time) on Sunday. Please come! We will be spending 45 minutes at the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and the last 15 minutes at the cafe.
Please be there!
(NOTE: You must have Minecraft PC to go on servers.)
Other: Go to Jewel's plot by using the command: /plotme home JeweledOwl812
and go to my plot by using the command: /plotme home Ravenclaw3243
on October 25, 2014