Help save the grey wolves!
The grey wolves are endangered. They are endangered because the most common cause of death for wolves is conflict with people over livestock losses. While wolf predation on livestock is fairly uncommon, wolves that are suspected of preying on livestock are often killed, sometimes even entire packs. Where they are not protected by the federal Endangered Species Act, the most common cause of death for wolves is hunting and trapping.
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on December 11, 2015

Wolves are highly social animals that live in family groups called packs. At the top of the food chain, they have a very important role in the ecosystem. In the years since they were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park and central Idaho, wolves have helped reduce an overpopulation of elk in the Park, and have kept elk from lingering undisturbed in Aspen groves and along streams. Biologists now believe this has led to the recovery of over-browsed trees and shrubs in these See More areas, which in turn, has helped birds, fish, beavers, moose and other wildlife find new places to call home. Gray wolves were deemed “recovered” in the N. Rockies and removed from federal protection in 2011. The restoration of this large carnivore has been one of the great success stories of the Endangered Species Act, and a remarkable example of wildlife restoration in America.

Gray Wolf | Endangered Species Coalition
Wolves are highly social animals that live in family groups called packs. At the top of the food chain, they have a very important role in the ecosystem.
on June 19, 2015

Wolves are a part of this world god brought them here for one reason and one reason only to live a life of freedom not as a strophe in someones house.
on June 19, 2015

What you can do to help save the grey wolves.

What You Can Do to Help Gray Wolves
Your support will help us fight to protect gray wolves and other threatened and endangered wildlife. Adopt a Gray Wolf A symbolic adoption helps save real animals in the wild. Take Action Visit our Wildlife Action Center to send a message to government leaders.
on June 18, 2015
@MinecraftMinecrafter123212 my wolf name is Angela
on June 18, 2015
How do you know your wolf name @MinecraftMinecrafter123212
on June 18, 2015
on June 18, 2015
MerTaylor messaged me this website. Thank u MerTaylor.
MerTaylor messaged me this website. Thank u MerTaylor.

Basic Facts About Gray Wolves
Gray wolves range in color from grizzled gray or black to all-white. As the ancestor of the domestic dog, the gray wolf resembles German shepherds or malamutes. Though they once nearly disappeared from the lower 48 states, today wolves have returned to the Great Lakes, northern Rockies and Southwestern United States.
on June 18, 2015
Ok I'm in I love wolves!!!!!!!! :D:D

cool. Take my quiz to see if ull be in my pack. If u get yes tell me ur wolf name and then take a rank test. (The rank test is to see what rank u r in the wolves hierarchy. Quiz not by me.)
on June 18, 2015
on June 18, 2015