Vent Stories/Page

This is just vent stuff I wrote either recently or not long ago, if anyone would like to add to this page, you can, everyone is accepted here, if you want advise, ask and you shall receive. <3 You are loved. If not by others, by me. <3 and by Tallulah (My bearded dragon)

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Hey, just a little update:
I feel like I'm starting to grow more and more attached/clingy to my boyfriend, but I feel like they're kind of drifting away a little bit. I don't know what to do, nothing seems to be a good answer for it. I don't know if they quite understand how much I actually love him. I really don't know if he loves me as much as I love him, sure, he gives me gifts and jokes with me, but he doesn't like it much when I touch him in public (Not sexually, that shits See More▼
26 days ago
?[What’s Happening?.]?
Hey so. There are way more important matters at hand. Mom flipped out last night and was screaming at me in my face. She told me that I was awful and I am not a good person and that she was sick of me. She threatened to send me off to Chris. She threatened to send me off to papa. I need somewhere to go because it’s not gonna get better. I feel unsafe there. It’s no longer a home to me. I have packed a bunch of clothes. I’m gonna finish packing later. I need See More▼
on April 26
[[A Monsters Dreams]]
Here I am, once again in a forgotten dream.
My imagery that I rarely ever have in a dream, is bursting at the seams.
I remember being in that dream over and over,
Trapped in the endless loop of the same dream, just waiting for it to finally be over.
I see the girl scout troop I was in for all those years,
We were all playing outside the highschool, different from our 6th grade class. Smiling as if we had nothing to fear. See More▼
on April 26
Mhm! :}
on April 26
Oh that's good! ^^
on April 26
Yeah, I'm gonna see him today actually :}
on April 26
As long as he's okay-
on April 26
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on April 26
February 26, 2023 (Same thing as the last, middle school, 8th grade, hardest point in my life.) -
I’m a f*cking dick. I lie to people I love, I’m a greedy bitch, I feel the constant need to be told “i love you,” but never does that happen, i vent to everyone, even if I had just met them, I am constantly forgetting important things about people, but don’t forget most stuff about me, I get angry for no reason at all, i hate my parents even though they’re trying, I have toxic friends, See More▼
on April 25
February 22, 2023 (This was in 8th grade. The hardest point in my life.) -
Man I’ve just been acting so weird recently. I can’t decide who is on my side and who’s against me, I forgive horrible people that I shouldn’t, I’m starting to lie more and more again, I feel like I’m always in my head. That I’m a fly stuck in my own web of my emotion, mental state, mental issues, and mind in general. I make people upset. I make people angry. I’m getting bullied more and more and it’s not See More▼
on April 25