Things that teachers say/do that doesn't make sense
Basically what the title is post things that teachers have done/said that doesn't make sense or have a reason towards.
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There was this substitute who sounded like she was french or british or whatever lol, so anyways she got fired for calling one of my friends a "Spoiled non-loved brat" AND threatning to tell the teacher a lie if she told her what happened. Scary ...
on February 01, 2015

Last year we had this sub and she was SO MEAN I SWEAR SHE MUST HAVE GROWN UP IN BOOT CAMP. We were taking a quiz and a girl dropped her pencil, and the sub started yelling at her that she got up. And she didnt like walk anywhere, she just kind of bent out of her desk and took one step. I was just like: b!tch...
on February 01, 2015

Teacher - -closes the door, VERY LOUDLY.-
Teacher - -closes the door, VERY LOUDLY.-
on February 01, 2015

Teacher: Why can I hear talking?!
Me: Because you have ears....
Me: Because you have ears....
on February 01, 2015

My elementary school teacher said that if you never pass gas you would explode XD. btw I believed it back then lol
on February 01, 2015