Secret Santa
I know some of you probably know the game but I'll explain the rules still- To participate, please send me membership request. Anyways, I'll assign you a person to give a gift to in PM, and YOU have to figure out what are you going to give! Also, since hence the name "secret Santa," DON'T tell that person what you are getting for him/her! You can post a photo of what you'll give to that person in Christmas time. Ready? Let's let the game start!

on December 16, 2015

It's Christmas Day everyone!!! You can give your gifts now!
on December 25, 2014

OOooh! Who do I get?? &[]

on December 12, 2014

on December 12, 2014

Did I do something horribly wrong again @JeweledOwl812 Why do you keep acting like I say something wrong? :((
Yeah there's a girl in my Math class with that name. @RedRibbonedGirl
Yeah there's a girl in my Math class with that name. @RedRibbonedGirl
on December 12, 2014
on December 12, 2014