Advice/help to bully/abuse
Im really good at giving advice to people since i have experiece and i love helping people And dont lie to me When Its not true,for example:im being bullyed and i told this to my parientes and they ignore me I dont think they WILL ignore u,unless how u explain them
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Can you help? My neighbor used me as a slave kind of...she made me do stuff for her and everything...I broke away from her and she got mad at me and held a grudge anytime I'm alone she will grab her friend who used to be my friend aka Alexis and make fun of me Dora the explorer because I'm always traveling and when I'm in a group she leaves me alone and the least she does is make eye contact and I'm just tired of being locked in my home and my parents say to just block See More her out and ignore her and act like you don't hear her or stop moving near my neighbors house to talk to them and yeah...none of it works...and my dog likes everyone and when he's outside with me and runs up to her it's so awkward! If you can help me prevent that too...

@RoseHeart ok! :D
on December 10, 2014

What I was saying is that you could tell her that you will report her (she can go to a juvenile delinquency center, kids as young as five could go) it will be on her permanent record and she would get some punishment but I don't know what it would be. If she does bully you have to show her that it is illegal and wrong and that she will get a punishment.
on December 10, 2014

@honeybee333x2 ok! Thanks! I owe you!
on December 10, 2014

@RoseHeart I tried standing up for myself but,they just throw it back and continue and my neighbor is too young to go to jail she's 12 and Alexis can though she's 16...but I kinda feel bad being responsible for someone being arrested
on December 10, 2014

@honeybee333x2 lol!!!! I gotta try that! But I can't pick him up he's too big and heavy xD
on December 10, 2014
on December 10, 2014

I want to help too! My brother used to get bullied becuase he was...diffrent. Its all sorted now but I still want to help!

Nah, the bulling of my brother stopped a while ago but I want to help and do you mean become a member of this page?
on September 14, 2014

on September 13, 2014
on September 13, 2014