My spouses
Okay so this is a page for my waifus and husbandos, of past and present. This is just me being a cringeu fangirl with crushes on fic characters. Feel free to i gnor e if u want. Y e e t

on August 08, 2019

on August 08, 2019

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LooK aT tHiS pRECiOus bOi. Art credit to Mapleleauf on RedBubble

on February 18, 2019

on February 18, 2019

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My ultimate Pokemon husbando, Cilantro soft boi. Ah I used to love him so much and he's still great

on February 18, 2019

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Honestly Princess Peach would be better off with me than that Italian plumber man

on February 18, 2019

on February 18, 2019