Nia's Universe Group
Write letters, notes, and support Nia through these tough times... Please no bullying.
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Hope is something we all forget at times. It's a valuable thing that rarely surfaces. But it's not impossible to find the light, the hope in the darkest of times. I don't personally know you, nor do I know why these things are happening to you, but stay strong. Their words of hatred are like nerf darts to you, don't let them hurt you. You'll be, and are the strongest out there who can get through this. My words are nothing but small grains of wheat, just take them lightly. I was, See More and am no good at these, so all I can say is this: Stay stronger than those who oppose you, they may seem strong now, but they'll never have the same spirit as you. Find the light in the darkness, and use it as a beacon of hope. -A Lone Wanderer
on February 25, 2016

Dear Nia,
I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I shall pray for you and I know that you can get through this. You have many friends here who are more than ready to help you. Please do not harm yourself. Stay strong.
I am so sorry that you had to go through that. I shall pray for you and I know that you can get through this. You have many friends here who are more than ready to help you. Please do not harm yourself. Stay strong.
on February 25, 2016

"You'll do it for her, you'll do it again! You'll do it for her, that is to say you'll do it for him!"
Dear Nia,
You don't deserve any of this. Do what your heart says.<3
You aren't a whore, and you aren't horrible.
Abortion is okay, it doesn't make you dirty, or evil, or sinful.
It makes you strong.
You are so much stronger than anybody. See More
Stronger than Garnet.
I'm here for you, and so are a lot of other people.
I love you so much, and so does everyone else.
Please don't hurt yourself.
Dear Nia,
You don't deserve any of this. Do what your heart says.<3
You aren't a whore, and you aren't horrible.
Abortion is okay, it doesn't make you dirty, or evil, or sinful.
It makes you strong.
You are so much stronger than anybody. See More
Stronger than Garnet.
I'm here for you, and so are a lot of other people.
I love you so much, and so does everyone else.
Please don't hurt yourself.
on February 25, 2016

Nia, let hope come beside you. I will walk beside you and try to help you as best as I can. Please, try to hold on, you have friends here that will try to help you also. If I was really there in real life, I would beat the f*ck out of your uncle for raping you. I hope you know this, that me and your friends are trying to help you the best we can.
on February 25, 2016