Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.

That awkward moment when I get back on Qfeast after 5 years and realise I'm so old XD

@Mrs_Bakugou_You_Hoe Thank you O:-)
on August 21, 2019

Welcome back
on August 21, 2019
on August 21, 2019

Ploofing my bullet ploof grass in here.

Walked into the same girl at school for the 4th time, then ended up walking in the same direction ?
true story
true story
on August 20, 2018
on June 11, 2018

on June 01, 2018

bullet ploof grass.

on April 21, 2018
The awkward moment is when your talking to someone that you thought was a specific person and when they turn around the person you were talking to was a stranger.( I did that meany times ???)
on February 09, 2018

on February 05, 2018
on December 10, 2017

That awkward moment when you realise that your life can be described by awkward moment posts on this page :/
on October 31, 2017

That awkward moment when you're writing fan fiction in a notebook at a restaurant and the waitress asks you what you're writing and you can't explain to the waitress that it's a story and a lesbian couple, one of which is anorexic and bulimic so you just say "I don't really know how to explain it" and she believes you

oml thank you so much
I'm working on a chatper 4 currently, so I'll tell you when it's uploaded if you'd like!
oml thank you so much
I'm working on a chatper 4 currently, so I'll tell you when it's uploaded if you'd like!
on July 11, 2017

really ! there are so many things i love about it,, like. you accurately portrayed both characters as if they were in that situation, you used The Descriptive Words™, you were nice enough to put a tw, it's just great !!
on July 11, 2017
on July 09, 2017

That awkward moment when someone asks you if you're into anime and you just yell HETALIA and they look at you like you just admitted to being a sadist and masochist.
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when you have a long line of posts on a page and you feel like you should stop but you don't
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when you try to be nice to your best friend for once but they don't think you're serious because you're usually an ass
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when you want to compliment someone you don't even know in public but you don't want it to come off like you're flirting.
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when your mom walks in your room to tell you to go to bed because it's 2 AM and the only thing you're wearing is an oversized hoodie.
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when you have to perform in front of your best friend and you're messing up so badly because you're holding back laughter just because they're in the room watching you.
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when someone walks in the house while you're singing /very/ loudly, and you just freeze and stop as the song continues to play at full volume because you didn't have the time to run over and pause it.
on June 21, 2017

That awkward moment when you find something that someone else was searching for after they leave the same room your in.
on June 13, 2017

that awkward moment when you finish a english exam half an hour early and start drawing on spare paper but then realize you only have crappy pens.
on June 13, 2017

that awkward moment when you have too much energy drink and start talking to yourself
on May 10, 2017

that awkward moment when you forget to hide the body
on April 28, 2017

That awkward moment when someone assumes your into them because you gave them a compliment :">....
on March 19, 2017