Awkward Moments
share your awkwardness? o.O or um just laugh at other.. i guess ;-; ._.

that amazing moment when the parent of the baby you're carrying come to take the baby but he/she does not wants to leave you and u just stand their LIKE A BOSSS!

on December 05, 2013
on December 03, 2013

that awkward moment when the only thing on the test paper you know is ur name and not even the date
on November 30, 2013

that awkward moment when someone says hi to the person behind you and you reply to them

Hi Qfeasters! If you love Harry Potter and Voldy, follow ILoveBoldyAndDraco! She is really nice and fun and makes great quizzes! Please follow her today!
on November 30, 2013
on November 29, 2013
MOVIE: My Dreams
Release Date: Every night
Rating: X