Awkward Moments!! .-.
Oh yes, I have had plenty of these.. pretty much everyday! but ya i guess that's because i am just over all . AWKWARD. anywayz just talk about awkward stuff that's happened to u or like quotes

That awkward moment were you even accedentilly prick yourself with a corn scewer XD

lol ya.. its pretty weird isn't it?
on August 09, 2013

on August 09, 2013

ya that was my cousin!
on August 09, 2013

HER?!?!?! Oh, wow
on August 09, 2013

gawd ima killer her
on August 09, 2013
on August 05, 2013

My mom thanks jeff is gross and disturbing.. I think you have no taste

Mary, there were birthday things for you EVERYWHERE, and your birthdate is in your profile
on August 09, 2013
on August 04, 2013

that awkward moment this morning when my mom asked me something that wasn't meant to be answered, and i said "yes, yes i was". LIKE A BAWS.

lol! Thank God i'm the youngest sister and have three older ones to clean the house and do the dishes......might be really suckish for ya!
on August 04, 2013
on August 04, 2013