Animals Point Of View
Have you ever wondered what a pet or other animal was thinking? All you need to tell me is what type of animal it is and there general age and I will answer your questions as if I was that pet/animal. Example: Horse, age 7 : Question: Why do you always shove me around when I tack you up? : Answer: Because I think you have treats, o_0 Is that a cookie ? FOR MEEE? Or you can just have conversations with your pet :) Have fun :)

Cat,age:5 or 6 Question:Why do you let Hercules (a kitten) play with your tail?

both please explain better
on September 07, 2013
Dog age 4 how come when you havesomething you don't want to share but your always begging for my stuff?
on August 02, 2013
on July 30, 2013