The Blog page of WWEChampion20
basically im going to use this page for speaking my mind about anything and everything... if you like it, good... if not... then go to hell

on March 01, 2013

I have something to say... last year at wrestlemania it was the biggest hyped match in wwe history, even being called a "once in a lifetime" match... now it means nothing because the match is happening again at this years wrestlemania... im not saying i dont want a rematch between rock and cena, just not at the very next wrestlemania... this sounds like a match for summerslam or survivor sieries... but, ill support the match because its freaking wrestlemania... we are on the road See More to wrestlemania, its time to get fired up for another excellent event
on February 27, 2013

Finally! I'm up here hehe =) thanks ant!

on February 25, 2013
on February 25, 2013

prepare... i am working on the first ever wwe story on qfeast... beware, it is long and entertaining
on February 08, 2013

Hey guys i got something to say, how come everyone thinks they are all popelar , like they are all cheerleaders and stuff like that and they call the unpopelar kids ugly and stuff like that i dont get it cant we ALL be friends
it bugs me :P
it bugs me :P

on February 06, 2013
on February 06, 2013

hi buddy... i got something i want to speak my mind about... how people are consantly trying to compare me to taylor swift... taylor swift may have a good voice, however i hate how she is slowly forgetting the fans.. besides... im 1000x cuter than taylor is... so the next person who compares me to her is getting a face full of pist and a butt full of foot XD
on February 06, 2013

so a few people agree that if someone makes a big deal about a prank call 6 years after it happend, that they are indeed being stupid
on February 05, 2013

and for my other page about the breast smothering thing... if anyone is upset with it... here is an easy fix... DONT GO TO THE PAGE!!! the only reason i say this is because ive told a few people that i have a breast smothering fetish... and no one will talk to me about it... so unless you want to know about or do breast smothering... stay off the page please... thank you
on February 04, 2013

My first post ever is simply this... if you prank call someone... make sure thing that people arnt going to backlash about it 6 YEARS LATER!!!!!!
on February 04, 2013