Beach hotel rp (1)
Just like the title says ^3^ your character comes to the beach for vacationes,with friends,familiares OR alone XP Enjoy!
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Starting new rp anyone can join
Tanya: * hanging in a tree*
Tanya: * hanging in a tree*
on April 19, 2015

Name: Sengoku
Age: 16
Personality: nice, shy, sometimes rude, caring
Looks: pic
Backstory: he was born and raised in Japan until fifteen, then he moved to the beach to live a new life.
Extra: none
Age: 16
Personality: nice, shy, sometimes rude, caring
Looks: pic
Backstory: he was born and raised in Japan until fifteen, then he moved to the beach to live a new life.
Extra: none
on April 19, 2015

Starting new rp
Smash: * surfing with Tanya
Tanya:* surfing with Smash*
Smash: * surfing with Tanya
Tanya:* surfing with Smash*
on April 18, 2015

Name: Smash/ ( nickname is candy)
Personality: fun,outgoing,confident,independent,hyper,coragous,adventurous
Looks: pic
Backstory: her mom died on a ship in the water. She still surfs though. She is very independent and loves on this beach. She only has one friend though
Extra:'friend is Tanya, is awesome at surfing and started surfing at 8
Personality: fun,outgoing,confident,independent,hyper,coragous,adventurous
Looks: pic
Backstory: her mom died on a ship in the water. She still surfs though. She is very independent and loves on this beach. She only has one friend though
Extra:'friend is Tanya, is awesome at surfing and started surfing at 8
on April 18, 2015
Madeleine:*sat on the beach watching her older brother Darren surfing on the waves*
on April 18, 2015

on April 18, 2015
on April 18, 2015
on April 18, 2015

Mikah: *He was out in the middle of the calm ocean water, sitting on his surfboard with a calm expression as he waited for a wave to come along. He ran his fingers through the water and looked at the little fish beneath him, thinking the ocean was beautiful. He sighed softly and smiled when he looked up, finding a big wave coming straight for him. He quickly sprung into action, laying on his board and swimming towards the wave to catch it.*

Abby: *She smiles at Jade slightly and sits down in one of the chairs that are in the corner. This wasn't like her at all. Plus she is about to turn 16 in exactly 5 minutes. She pulls her knees to her chest, frowning mentally, but smiling in real life to show everyone she is alright. She softly hums the Hetalia theme song Italy likes to sing, which to her is See More one of her favorite songs. But she over reacts on things, but it did hurt her that no one has wished her happy birthday. After all this is suppose to be her sweet sixteen.*
on May 16, 2015

Makayla: *She opened her mouth to say her true feelings what she felt towards Canada, but Germany RUDELY intrruppted her. She sadly scooted off of her secret crush's lap, and trotted behind Abby who was also frowning. She stops to look at Canada once more and mouths: "Stay strong" to him before leaving the room.*
America: *He pouts as everyone quickly sits down See More in their seats, including Japan who excused himself. He kisses Jade sweetly, but gently on the lips, and pulled back soon after.* I will be back. Promise. The hero always does! *He smiles his goofy smie before walking to his seat and sitting down.*
America: *He pouts as everyone quickly sits down See More in their seats, including Japan who excused himself. He kisses Jade sweetly, but gently on the lips, and pulled back soon after.* I will be back. Promise. The hero always does! *He smiles his goofy smie before walking to his seat and sitting down.*
on May 16, 2015

Germany: *He put on his best fake smile he could, which to everyone looks fairly real.* Noving, vove. *He smiles less now, but it was his usual half handsome kind of smile. He frowns now since the bells rung to begin the meeting. He sighs and kisses his lovers head softly, and picked him off his lap, to stand up* Everyvone who visn't a country... Go vup stairs See More pleaze. *He says in a calm manner so the non-countries or almost countries can leave the meeting room for now.*
Abby: It's my birthday... *She sighs, and looks at Germany. She frowns and stood up from Italy's lap. She pecks her lovers lips, and walked out of the room quickly, so Germany wouldn't say she was walking too slow, since she knew this meeting was REALLY important from hearing America and Jade earliar.*
Abby: It's my birthday... *She sighs, and looks at Germany. She frowns and stood up from Italy's lap. She pecks her lovers lips, and walked out of the room quickly, so Germany wouldn't say she was walking too slow, since she knew this meeting was REALLY important from hearing America and Jade earliar.*
on May 16, 2015

(I THOUGHT YOU WERE SAD DX I MISSED YOU TOO!! Now I shall type since I REALLY need to respond. XD)
on May 16, 2015
on April 18, 2015
Personality:fun to be around but is shy at first
Backstory:she grew up with her aunt and older brother because there parents died in a car crash
Extra:has an older brother named Darren
Name:Darren See More
Personality; protective and caring
Backstory:he grew up with his aunt and younger sister
Extra:he is Madeleine older brother
Personality:fun to be around but is shy at first
Backstory:she grew up with her aunt and older brother because there parents died in a car crash
Extra:has an older brother named Darren
Name:Darren See More
Personality; protective and caring
Backstory:he grew up with his aunt and younger sister
Extra:he is Madeleine older brother
on April 18, 2015

Name: Alicen Crook
Age: 16
Personality: very sweet, shy, quiet, sassy, brutally honest, very creative, artsy, calm, sensitive, humble, curious
Looks: picture
Backstory:she lived in a rich family but she was still humble and calm no matter what. She loved exploring and loved animals, she was an only child which she loved since she has her own time alone
Extra: ummmm
Age: 16
Personality: very sweet, shy, quiet, sassy, brutally honest, very creative, artsy, calm, sensitive, humble, curious
Looks: picture
Backstory:she lived in a rich family but she was still humble and calm no matter what. She loved exploring and loved animals, she was an only child which she loved since she has her own time alone
Extra: ummmm
on April 18, 2015

Ayano & elizabeth:*they were walking through the hallways,trying to find there room,when they found it,they enter and unpacked some stuff,they were so excited in swiming so they quikly took a bath then put on there bikinis,and brought two hats and a blocker,to not get burned from the sun,then they quikly head to the beach now*

Mikah: Alright, I'll teach you. First you gotta get balance down, that's the main thing. *He stated as he led them over to a rock and he put his board on it carefully like a teeter totter. He then got onto the board and he balanced on it perfectly without falling. He got off of it and grinned at them.* Alright, who wants to try? *He asked as he waited for someone See More to volunteer getting into a position to where he could catch them if they fell.*
on April 18, 2015

Ayano & elizabeth:hell yeah we want to learn!*elizabeth exclaimed,riaising her arms up,then set it down againplacing her hands on her hips with a wide smile*if you dont mind,of course*ayano murmued shyly,they borh were really desperate in learning though*
on April 18, 2015

Mikah: *Once he finished the wave he went onto the beach with the girls, considering it.* Do you guys have a board or anything? *He asked but then shook his head.* Nevermind, are you sure you want to learn? You won't actually get in the water for a have to learn most of it on the land. *He stated, holding his board at his side as he grinned at them See More sweetly, having no problem spending time with attractive girls in bikinis.*
on April 18, 2015

Ayano & elizabeth:*they were observing the man that was now surfing in amazment,both of them smiling at him,then they both walked towards him when the wave already passed*that was awesome! *elizabeth exclaimed at him*it would be cool that you could teach us too surf,if thats alright*she mutterted again,both of them with there smile8
on April 18, 2015

Mikah: *He was out in the middle of the calm ocean water, sitting on his surfboard with a calm expression as he waited for a wave to come along. He ran his fingers through the water and looked at the little fish beneath him, thinking the ocean was beautiful. He sighed softly and smiled when he looked up, finding a big wave coming straight for him. He quickly See More sprung into action, laying on his board and swimming towards the wave to catch it.*
on April 18, 2015
on April 18, 2015

Name: Mikah Charlton
Age: 16
Personality: Quiet, calm, collected, more to himself, sees beauty in everything.
Looks: picture
Backstory: He's a foster child because he really has no parents. His mother was a drug abuser and she was single when be was born. He's going from family to family now, in search of someone who can give him proper care and love. He is here now with his current foster family.
Extra: he is very spiritual and does yoga. He is also a vegan so meat and dairy See More is completely cut out of his diet.
Age: 16
Personality: Quiet, calm, collected, more to himself, sees beauty in everything.
Looks: picture
Backstory: He's a foster child because he really has no parents. His mother was a drug abuser and she was single when be was born. He's going from family to family now, in search of someone who can give him proper care and love. He is here now with his current foster family.
Extra: he is very spiritual and does yoga. He is also a vegan so meat and dairy See More is completely cut out of his diet.
on April 18, 2015

Name: Sukai Kameko
Age: 17
Personality: Rude, quiet, inconsiderate, dark.
Looks: Pic
Backstory: None (Too laze to put one)
Extra: Went to the beach with her friend, Ashley.
Name: Ashley Jenkins See More
Age: 16
Personality: Bubbly, energetic, always happy,
Looks: Pic
Backstory: (Ditto)
Extra: Went to the beach with Sukai.
Age: 17
Personality: Rude, quiet, inconsiderate, dark.
Looks: Pic
Backstory: None (Too laze to put one)
Extra: Went to the beach with her friend, Ashley.
Name: Ashley Jenkins See More
Age: 16
Personality: Bubbly, energetic, always happy,
Looks: Pic
Backstory: (Ditto)
Extra: Went to the beach with Sukai.
on April 18, 2015

Name: Tanya
Personality: fun,funny,smart, a deep,weird,cool,athletic,super flexible
Looks: pic
Backstory: none
Extra: loves to climb trees and has a cat name drizzle
Personality: fun,funny,smart, a deep,weird,cool,athletic,super flexible
Looks: pic
Backstory: none
Extra: loves to climb trees and has a cat name drizzle
on April 18, 2015

Name: Natalie
on April 18, 2015

Personality:supportive,shy,blushes easily and innocent
Backstory:ayano has a normal life,but also has suffered of bully in school in middle school,but she dosent suffer that anymore,shes just a normal girl,who lives with her big sister that she adore.
They both planned in going in vacationes at the beach,since they were fan of it
Extra:has a bigger sister See More
Personality:energetic,funny and kind,but also has a responsible,mature and seriouse side,it depends in the situation
Backstory:same as her sis
Extra:has a little sister
Personality:supportive,shy,blushes easily and innocent
Backstory:ayano has a normal life,but also has suffered of bully in school in middle school,but she dosent suffer that anymore,shes just a normal girl,who lives with her big sister that she adore.
They both planned in going in vacationes at the beach,since they were fan of it
Extra:has a bigger sister See More
Personality:energetic,funny and kind,but also has a responsible,mature and seriouse side,it depends in the situation
Backstory:same as her sis
Extra:has a little sister
on April 18, 2015
on April 18, 2015

on April 18, 2015