Your own Quotes
I like Quotes that are inspirational and cute because they make me understand what happens around the world and what happens to people. I haven't been bullied so i don't know how it feels to be a victim. I would like to make my own Quotes and I feel like you want to 2.
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to become inspirational you have to be inspired

Lol it's good though
on July 11, 2018

i made it up btw
on July 11, 2018
on July 11, 2018

on April 04, 2017

"If you don't get scared, you're not human. If you're not weird, you're not human"
~Maxima Statiche 2016
"Every ray of sunshine, comes with its own storm. There may be a whole hella lot of bad. But there's a while hella lot of good"
~Anthony 2017
~Maxima Statiche 2016
"Every ray of sunshine, comes with its own storm. There may be a whole hella lot of bad. But there's a while hella lot of good"
~Anthony 2017
on April 03, 2017

"Your point is what? I know I am but that is what makes me unique and not a normal person."
- me every time someone tries to insult me ^_^
- me every time someone tries to insult me ^_^
on April 03, 2017

"If I'm hurting, I write. If I want to do something, I write. If I want to write, I write. YOLO!!"
on March 18, 2016

"Never forget who you really are, if you do will you remember who you use to be? Never forget. Never stop being yourself"
on March 18, 2016

"We all live in a random world of random randomness"
- Me, the past few days...
- Me, the past few days...
on March 17, 2016

"Life and people are like pieces to a puzzle, without one, it is incomplete. Without one, it leaves a void that cannot be filled." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"For a Better Tomorrow as we say." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I am worthless, without others, I'm worthless in general. My skills are next to nothing, my use is nothing, my purpose is hidden in the dark to me until someone shines a light upon it." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I always think things are worse than they seem, and think about every conversation, See More playing the bad parts over and over again. Just preparing myself for the wave of hate I think I'll receive. Then it usually does." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I was suppost to do inspirational or cute qoutes here? Oh....sorry, I didn't mean to write poor ones....I'll get rid of them if you want..." ~Ty (Now)
"For a Better Tomorrow as we say." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I am worthless, without others, I'm worthless in general. My skills are next to nothing, my use is nothing, my purpose is hidden in the dark to me until someone shines a light upon it." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I always think things are worse than they seem, and think about every conversation, See More playing the bad parts over and over again. Just preparing myself for the wave of hate I think I'll receive. Then it usually does." ~Ty (03/16/16)
"I was suppost to do inspirational or cute qoutes here? Oh....sorry, I didn't mean to write poor ones....I'll get rid of them if you want..." ~Ty (Now)
on March 17, 2016

"No one can truly hurt you. Your heart makes sure of that!"
on March 17, 2016

You want to hurt me? Go ahead, but I can't assure that you'll walk on your legs.
on March 16, 2016

Next one needs trigger warning... I guess.
"I may be depressed, but FÛCK DEPRESSION! IVE GOT THIS! Becides, I'm to stubborn to give up."
Next one needs trigger warning... I guess.
"I may be depressed, but FÛCK DEPRESSION! IVE GOT THIS! Becides, I'm to stubborn to give up."
on March 16, 2016

Alright, here's my quote, and ik it's a little odd, but.... This is actually advice I was given irl once.
"They're teasing you? Let them. They do it because they're jealous of you. Just keep holding your head high, walk off, don't look back. You're better than them. If they get into trouble at the end of the day, their own problem. Not yours."
"They're teasing you? Let them. They do it because they're jealous of you. Just keep holding your head high, walk off, don't look back. You're better than them. If they get into trouble at the end of the day, their own problem. Not yours."
on March 16, 2016

Be careful with whom you share your weakness with
Some people, are sure to use it against you
Some people, are sure to use it against you
on March 16, 2016

"Be the one who can change the world"
IDK what to do so here ya go a quote
IDK what to do so here ya go a quote
on March 16, 2016

If you cant blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with ykur bull****
on March 16, 2016

"Follow your heart and always go beyond the stars"
on March 16, 2016