Qfeast yearbook
I will be making a story called the qfeast yearbook! On this page you can nominate other users for awards, talk about the biggest events that happened on qfeast this year, explain a bit about yourself and talk about your favourite quizzes, story's and pages this year. When nominating people DO NOT NOMINATE YOURSELF! Bye!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on December 31, 2014

Best qfeaster: @FandomLover
Friendliest: @Jafrin
Awesomest sonic oc: @AureyFox
Friendliest: @Jafrin
Awesomest sonic oc: @AureyFox

@JasmineTheFox Sorry. I accidentally pressed thumbs but then I changed it to thumbs up.
on December 31, 2014
on December 31, 2014

Most annoying sound: Notification sound.
on December 31, 2014

on December 31, 2014

biggest anime fan: Animepup:D
on December 31, 2014

Biggest Black Butler fan- AnimePup

Yeah, I'm crazy about anime period, but not a specific anime. If I was, then I wouldn't be able to call myself an otaku.
on December 31, 2014

on December 31, 2014

Really??? XD Thanks, but I'm not that obsessed with Black Butler as I am with anime in general.
on December 31, 2014
on December 31, 2014

Biggest Team StarKid Fan: LeoValdezLover
on December 31, 2014

Biggest Team StarKid fan- LeoValdezLover;)
on December 31, 2014

biggest Team StarKid fan: LeoValdezLover
on December 31, 2014

Biggest Pegasister: RainbowDashy
on December 31, 2014

Well, I've been the cause of almost every war on Qfeast this year.
Wars this year that I've caused before I reformed:
When I wrecked the Qfeast Royalty Awards so nobody could win.
When I hacked @CrystalWings and wrecked her account.
When a girl from my school hacked @TheDoctorsQueen and asked @Eridan_Ampora out, pretending to be a lesbian, and I thought it was really @TheDoctorsQueen so I got mad at her. That caused trouble for me in real life too and we almost stopped being See More friends.
When I started the MLP Rebellion against Qfeast.
Wars this year that I've caused after I reformed:
When @Fearless and I got into Mika War 1, Mika War 2 and Mika War 3.
When I got thumbs downed.
The thing with @MikasBiggestFangirl.
The thing with @MIKA101 and @SONICSUXSODOESMIKA.
The war between Qfeast Academy and Qfeast High.
Wars I didn't cause but were still huge:
The war about whether 5SOS is a boy band or not.
The war between @JackieTheHedgehog and @ChristinaTheHedgehog.
Wars this year that I've caused before I reformed:
When I wrecked the Qfeast Royalty Awards so nobody could win.
When I hacked @CrystalWings and wrecked her account.
When a girl from my school hacked @TheDoctorsQueen and asked @Eridan_Ampora out, pretending to be a lesbian, and I thought it was really @TheDoctorsQueen so I got mad at her. That caused trouble for me in real life too and we almost stopped being See More friends.
When I started the MLP Rebellion against Qfeast.
Wars this year that I've caused after I reformed:
When @Fearless and I got into Mika War 1, Mika War 2 and Mika War 3.
When I got thumbs downed.
The thing with @MikasBiggestFangirl.
The thing with @MIKA101 and @SONICSUXSODOESMIKA.
The war between Qfeast Academy and Qfeast High.
Wars I didn't cause but were still huge:
The war about whether 5SOS is a boy band or not.
The war between @JackieTheHedgehog and @ChristinaTheHedgehog.

on January 02, 2015
on December 31, 2014

Best animatronic: Foxy!!!!!!
on December 31, 2014

best sonic character(girl): Blaze
on December 31, 2014

Best sister ever: Rainbowpinkieanddiscordrule
(Your the only one who isn't annoying :p)
(Your the only one who isn't annoying :p)
on December 31, 2014

best sonic character(boy): Shadow
on December 31, 2014