Sophisticated Vocabulary Media
My best friend Amanda thinks I always use "big words," so I created this page as a sort of "guide" for those of us who did not naturally acquire a sophisticated vocabulary index built into their brains. Anyway, I hope that by creating this page I will find more people like me out there. (By the way, Amanda's Qfeast name is Manda.Wizzle)

Week Two - Vocab:
zephyr - a gentle breeze
nictate - to wink
aegis - protection
aposiopesis - breaking off in the middle of a sentence
balderdash - nonsense
borborygmus - that grumbly tummy noise See More
obsequious - WAY too eager to help someone thats important or a celebrity
cockalorum - a small man with a LARGE opinion of himself
contumacious - very rebellious
crapulous - prone to drunkenness
defenestration - the act of throwing someone out a window
masticate - chewing
tenebrous - dark and gloomy
ululate - howl
obstreperous - stubbornly and loudly defiant
zephyr - a gentle breeze
nictate - to wink
aegis - protection
aposiopesis - breaking off in the middle of a sentence
balderdash - nonsense
borborygmus - that grumbly tummy noise See More
obsequious - WAY too eager to help someone thats important or a celebrity
cockalorum - a small man with a LARGE opinion of himself
contumacious - very rebellious
crapulous - prone to drunkenness
defenestration - the act of throwing someone out a window
masticate - chewing
tenebrous - dark and gloomy
ululate - howl
obstreperous - stubbornly and loudly defiant
on September 14, 2014

allay - to diminish, to put at rest
amanuensis - a secretary
asymptotic - approaching really close but never touching or meeting
atrabilious - ill-tempered
attenuate - reduce the force of
avaricious - really, really greedy for money See More
chthonic - beneath the Earth
confabulate - chat
crepitate - make a crackling sound
crepuscular - light at twilight
cunctation - hesitation
deference - respect, humble submission to another
delphian - deliberately obscure
glabrous - bald
grig - a lively person
niggle - annoying, bothersome, irritate
ouroboros - the symbol/image of a snake eating its tail
penultimate - second to last
pleonasm - use of more words than necessary (wordy)
pluvious - rainy
protean - changeable
salacious - vulgar
saturnine - gloomy
sesquipedalian - prone to using HUGE words (me)
solecism - grammatical error
tintinnabulation - the ringing of bells
troglodyte - someone who lives in a cave
allay - to diminish, to put at rest
amanuensis - a secretary
asymptotic - approaching really close but never touching or meeting
atrabilious - ill-tempered
attenuate - reduce the force of
avaricious - really, really greedy for money See More
chthonic - beneath the Earth
confabulate - chat
crepitate - make a crackling sound
crepuscular - light at twilight
cunctation - hesitation
deference - respect, humble submission to another
delphian - deliberately obscure
glabrous - bald
grig - a lively person
niggle - annoying, bothersome, irritate
ouroboros - the symbol/image of a snake eating its tail
penultimate - second to last
pleonasm - use of more words than necessary (wordy)
pluvious - rainy
protean - changeable
salacious - vulgar
saturnine - gloomy
sesquipedalian - prone to using HUGE words (me)
solecism - grammatical error
tintinnabulation - the ringing of bells
troglodyte - someone who lives in a cave

on September 14, 2014
on September 14, 2014

Thank you for accepting my request!!
on May 12, 2013