Memebrs Oc secrets
So you want to know a few secrets well here you go and get ready so for example hyper name was supposed to be diamond it didn't fit him also only for people who are memebers can share of secrets

John isn't real what do I mean well his mom didn't gave birth to him his mom and his dad use electricity to make him
on June 09, 2018

Starlight also has a clip in her wing, making her never able to fly

Me:That's so sad :( I feel so bad
Hyper:×flying with gravity×
Me:really hyper that's just wrong
(Also role play)
Hyper:×flying with gravity×
Me:really hyper that's just wrong
(Also role play)
on June 09, 2018
on May 21, 2018

Venus's original name is Heartbeat because her fur was pink. It turned red when she started to ignite, her new name is Venus
on May 21, 2018

Tori has probably died more times than the rest of my ocs. She committed suicide about 8 times
on May 21, 2018

on May 21, 2018

on April 17, 2018

Hyper 1st ever name was sapphire not diamond 1st name was sapphire then diamond and now hyper but do sapphire to be like girly like I didn't use it
on April 17, 2018

on March 17, 2018

on March 16, 2018

When hyper is made out of fire the fire burns his heart killing hyper
on February 24, 2018

Keinoa has a robot that floats called max it what gets his exo suit
on February 19, 2018

Keinoa is me I know it's crazy having a oc that's me
on February 11, 2018

John used to eat 10 meals per day and used to have powers over ice kids called him yeti chomper John still eats that match meals a day and because of powers over fire they call him fire chomper
on February 05, 2018