School Help-Tutoring-Advice!
Need School help? Advice, presentation pointers, Math help, history hints, science project ideas? This page if for you to ask questions and any Qfeast member can answer! This is better than just asking a question so that others can find the answer if they have the same problem, and a group of questions are in one collection!! Get help for Elementary, Middle, Highschool or College levels thanks to many people with great talents and experience!!

I would like to make a note: If you are trying to give advice, be OBJECTIVE, do not judge or put your opinion. Simply state the facts and how you feel of the subject, but don't go 'wrestling is gay, pick basketball', just- no. Thank you!!

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on September 28, 2023

This is a really helpful page for students, and I also use this resource when I need to find someone to do my homework for me.
on December 12, 2022

If you are a student who has been assigned to take extra classes or is taking the same courses more than once, then this is the place for you. If you are having trouble with your studies, and need help with homework or studying, then look no further than this site as I am a tutor that See More specializes in helping students with their homework and studying. I will not only help you with your studies but also give you some tips on how to study better and how to be more organized.
on September 18, 2022

Yeah, spread the word :D I think this will be a helpful page if people use it right ;)
on April 29, 2013
on April 29, 2013

I hang out with the girls in sixth grade, I am in ninth grade, is this normal?

I'm 'round that age and I get along best with guys who are 10-14... I think its cause they are more simple. Less dramatic.
on April 29, 2013

Yeah, we get along, I think the real problem is im 15 and they are 10-11. I have one or two friends my own age and, yes, I know it's not average. Thank you anyway
on April 29, 2013

^Forgot to add, if you guys are friends, and get along, I don't see anything wrong with you hanging out ;)
on April 29, 2013

I wouldn't say 'not normal' but maybe 'not average'. I think it depends alot on your own age and their age, maturity, but it really depends on what you guys have in common. I don't mean go ditch your friends, or who you hang out with, but I think it may be beneficial to hang out with more girls your own age :)
on April 29, 2013
on April 29, 2013