Harry Potter Lovers
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What would you do if Umbridge and then just randomly stopped you from playing quiditch

I would scream them run
on October 19, 2013
on October 19, 2013

So what would ur Hogwarts life be like? share here!

Hmm. I highly doubt I'd be a Gryffie. Though between the other three, I don't know. I would probably be a good-two-shoe and do all my work, stay out of trouble, get minimal detentions, get good grades, plenty of O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s (I'm book smart) I'd be terrible at Potions (I can't cook) and Herbology (terrible at Agriculture things) but probably talented See More with Charms or Arithmancy (Good with tricks and math) ;)
on April 24, 2013

Mine would be: I walk into Hogwarts, get sorted into Gryffindor... blah dee blah bleh... yatta yatta... kiss Ronnie... marry him... no, scratch that, kiss HUGO, then marry HIM. then @ least I'll be related to Ronnie :3
on April 23, 2013
on April 23, 2013