Help stop bullying today!
This is Beauty784 and directioner.styles. We are making this page so that there will be an end to bullying. We will be posting links, be posting updates, advice, etc. Whether you want to stop bullying or you are being bullied, subscribe to this page! Only Beauty784 and directioner.styles will be a member. If we get at least 10 subscribers, it will be on the 'Most Popular' pages and then we will be able to get the word out there. Thanks! Bullying stops here!

Another Bullying Story....
This was first posted by Directioner.styles
It has to do with bullying and it really means something. Thanks for reading guys! Feel free to repost this story! Tell us what stories we should also post! We will be making a bullying tips story. Thanks guys!

Bullies have no clue that tehy are insecure and thats why some do it, the others do it because they themselfs are being bullied, the others are just EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>:)
on August 12, 2013

yay go bullies (jk jk) bullies r super mean and bullies r people that bully other people 2 make themselves feel better just plan mean :)<3
on May 23, 2013
on May 11, 2013

Beauty784 wrote a poem that is in the same subject as bullying and haters. Check it out!

My Thoughts To The Haters And Bullies Of The World.
These are my thoughts to the haters and bullies of the world. I wrote this poem today and it might not be a really great poem but this is my honest thoughts and I want to put an end to bullying and hating. I want this poem to mean something to you, so please tell me what you think and stuff. I might be writing more poems because hating and bullying is really serious. And I'm serious about it.
on May 01, 2013

OMG this page is in the most popular pages!
Does anyone need any advice or help?
Does anyone need any advice or help?

on May 11, 2013

It doesn't seem like it.
Remember, if you do- ask this account, Beauty784 or directioner.styles
Remember, if you do- ask this account, Beauty784 or directioner.styles
on May 01, 2013
on May 01, 2013

If anyone needs help if they want to get involved or if they are being bullied, feel free to message this account, or Beauty784 or directioner.styles. Thanks.

on April 24, 2013
on April 22, 2013

Stand Up for Others
When you see bullying, there are safe things you can do to make it stop.
Talk to a parent, teacher, or another adult you trust. Adults need to know when bad things happen so they can help.
Be kind to the kid being bullied. Show them that you care by trying to include them. Sit with them at lunch or on the bus, talk to them at school, or invite them to do something. Just hanging out with them will help them know they aren’t alone.
Not saying anything could See More make it worse for everyone. The kid who is bullying will think it is ok to keep treating others that way.
Stand up for classmates
Get Involved
You can be a leader in preventing bullying in your community.
Find out more about where and when bullying happens at your school. Think about what could help. Then, share your ideas. There is a good chance that adults don’t know all of what happens. Your friends can go with you to talk to a teacher, counselor, coach, or parent and can add what they think.
Talk to the principal about getting involved at school. Schools sometimes give students a voice in programs to stop bullying. Be on a school safety committee. Create posters for your school about bullying. Be a role model for younger kids.
Write a blog, letter to the editor of your local newspaper, or tweet about bullying.
When you see bullying, there are safe things you can do to make it stop.
Talk to a parent, teacher, or another adult you trust. Adults need to know when bad things happen so they can help.
Be kind to the kid being bullied. Show them that you care by trying to include them. Sit with them at lunch or on the bus, talk to them at school, or invite them to do something. Just hanging out with them will help them know they aren’t alone.
Not saying anything could See More make it worse for everyone. The kid who is bullying will think it is ok to keep treating others that way.
Stand up for classmates
Get Involved
You can be a leader in preventing bullying in your community.
Find out more about where and when bullying happens at your school. Think about what could help. Then, share your ideas. There is a good chance that adults don’t know all of what happens. Your friends can go with you to talk to a teacher, counselor, coach, or parent and can add what they think.
Talk to the principal about getting involved at school. Schools sometimes give students a voice in programs to stop bullying. Be on a school safety committee. Create posters for your school about bullying. Be a role model for younger kids.
Write a blog, letter to the editor of your local newspaper, or tweet about bullying.
on April 22, 2013

Remember these 3 simple things when you get bullied:
1. Tell a grown-up person.
2. Keep your head held high.
3. Stand up for yourself
<3 That's all you need to know.
1. Tell a grown-up person.
2. Keep your head held high.
3. Stand up for yourself
<3 That's all you need to know.
on April 20, 2013

This is a very good site! I will be using some of this sites' information! You guys can check it out!

What You Can Do |
There are things you can do to keep yourself and the kids you know safe from bullying. Find out more at

on April 22, 2013
on April 20, 2013

Do you guys agree with this story? If you do and want to help to stop bullying, post this story on your account! It won't make a lot, but it will make a small difference on Qfeast already. Everything counts to stop bullies.

Help Stop Bullying Today! Spread the Story!
This story was first posted by directioner.styles. Now our aim (Beauty784 and directioner.styles) is to spread this all over Qfeast. If you agree with this story, then please post the exact one on your account. Bullying his to stop, and it all begins with spreading the word. If you are being bullied, you can message us and be sure to check out our page. There will be lots of advice. If you'd like to help, message us too. Thanks and please post this again! We're practically begging you guys! Hehe
on April 20, 2013

If you didn't read, just remember,
If you are being bullied, you can ask down here or if it is too personal, feel free to private chat me or Help.Stop.Bullies or even directioner.styles. Thanks guys.
If you are being bullied, you can ask down here or if it is too personal, feel free to private chat me or Help.Stop.Bullies or even directioner.styles. Thanks guys.
on April 20, 2013