Plans for Tailulie's wedding.
Tails proposed so I need help with the prepirations the colors are blue and orange btw.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Congratz Julie! ^.^ how can I help?

Sapphire: I'm on it! *runs to the store*
on October 10, 2014

Julie: Any style and dark blue please. ^-^
on October 10, 2014

Of course ^.^ What a type of style and colour?
on October 09, 2014

Can you help with a wedding dress Sapphire?
on October 09, 2014
on October 08, 2014

Melody:Ok.What kinds of flowers?
on October 08, 2014

Can I help?
on October 08, 2014

Julie: Can you guys help me with all this? I'm new to the wedding thing.
on October 08, 2014