The Advice page
OK, so do you need advice? Well, you don't need to make a question about it. Just tell me and I'll give you my best advice!

Ok, I like this guy. His name is jello, we are friends, last year my sister/BFF( not really my sis we just call each other that ) liked him and asked hm out. He declined. We are all still good friends. Last year, I liked this other boy, named Dandre and on the last day of school, I kissed his cheek. Now he talks to me and we sit together but nothing came out of that. Now I sit with two boy I would date, and I have lots of fun with jello, we hand out alone and laugh, have the same See More friends and enemies. I think he likes me, but I might be crazy. We all talk about dr who. Kristina my sis was gone today, and jello and I hung out, we swung and laughed. And had lots of fun. People made fun of us and said he was gay for not putting a move on me, and called me his girlfriend. I would like to ask him out, but would it be too awkward now, like Dandre and what do I do about Kristina?
on September 12, 2013

Hi! I just joined this page. Here's my problem: I have 0 followers! I follow people but they don't follow me! Nobody does! Am I just weird or something? I know I'm a party animal but... :brb:
on May 25, 2013

hi um im 10 I go to primary school and I like this guy to shy to tell him wht to do!?!

on September 19, 2013

Ahh. Young love. If you don't know him at all, or he is your best friend, don't tell him. If you are close friends, tell him, might be good
on September 12, 2013
on June 03, 2013
on May 07, 2013

If you have a problem type it in the member's chat room.

Well, act casual around him. Be nice and funny and BE YOURSELF. When people start to tease you, just hold your head up high and tell them to stop. Need more? I'll tell you.
on April 30, 2013

My friends say I like this guy in my class, i dont want to admit i have a little crush on him, sometimes i catch him staring at me, once we even got partnered up to do a project together it was so awkward. I have even noticed that teachers are always putting me next to him. What do I do?
on April 29, 2013
on April 18, 2013

Here's what you do:
1. Become a member
2. Write your problem in member's chat!
Easy peasy. Hear from you soon.
1. Become a member
2. Write your problem in member's chat!
Easy peasy. Hear from you soon.

Nobody is going to read it if you don't advertise but don't go spamming all over the place, K? ;)
on May 22, 2013

Well, maybe it's because you don't put it out there too much! Write posts on your page saying "READ MY STORY! LALALUCY LOVES IT!" Stuff like that. If you don't gain readers, start posting stuff like that on quiz results. If that doesn't work, consult me again.
on April 16, 2013
on April 13, 2013