The Classic Dr Who Fan Page!
This page is for you fans of the 'Classic' Doctor Who,not all that CGI and green screens! If you think you are the biggest fan of Doctor who ever,then you should try to play a Doctor-Who styled trivia pursuit-let's see if you'll win....

Post your thoughts on who you think is gonna be the next doctor

daniel radcliffe:">
on June 23, 2013
on June 08, 2013

What do you guys think about Matt Smith leaving?

on August 07, 2013
on June 08, 2013

Time of the Angels is epic!
on May 17, 2013

Hey, I think that the new series of Dr.Who isn't great.You might as well find a spot behind the sofa and watch some Classic Dr Who!!:-B
on May 16, 2013

My favourite Dr Who story is Genesis of the Daleks.

Yes I have!!! I used to watch the new Doctor who a couple of years ago, but then I got bored.
on May 20, 2013
on April 06, 2013