Mythical Creature Rp
Welcome to the world of Aquahanna! In this land reigns everything you could possibly imagine. You can be anything you want: princess, dragon, unicorn, kitten, knight etc. I will be your GM and so the story will continue as long as you continue!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Name: Orra Pariyan
Species: Scholar, training to be a wizard
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Powers: Only the basics: Healing Hyacinth and Rain of Fire
Personality: Sweet, brave, smart, quirky
Brief Backstory: Born in Ireland, but moved to Scotland at age seven. Now 12 years old. Started wizard training at age nine.
Status: Good See More
Home: Scottish Ochre (an underground library in Scotland where all the wizards study/train)
Hobbies: Doodling, drawing, sketching, painting, and reading
Domain: Scotland
Biggest desire: To acquire the celestial mist
Other: If you looked in my pocket, you'd find some pens, my iPod, a small notebook, and a german/english dictionary.
Species: Scholar, training to be a wizard
Appearance: I'll upload a pic
Powers: Only the basics: Healing Hyacinth and Rain of Fire
Personality: Sweet, brave, smart, quirky
Brief Backstory: Born in Ireland, but moved to Scotland at age seven. Now 12 years old. Started wizard training at age nine.
Status: Good See More
Home: Scottish Ochre (an underground library in Scotland where all the wizards study/train)
Hobbies: Doodling, drawing, sketching, painting, and reading
Domain: Scotland
Biggest desire: To acquire the celestial mist
Other: If you looked in my pocket, you'd find some pens, my iPod, a small notebook, and a german/english dictionary.
on January 26, 2015

Drake: *the sun filtered its way into the cave and onto his face*
*squinting his eyes against it, he moved his head slightly to the left*
*unknown to him, his tail was flickering around, and he brushed up against Violet with it*
Violet: *feeling Drake's tail hit her in the stomach she woke up*
Oh...*she opened her eyes groggily, holding her stomach with her right arm*
*she turned towards Drake's head and was about to yell when she got a better idea*
*thinking: I wonder...* See More
*standing up, she made her way to the edge of the cave*
*before saying good morning to the others, she turned back to look at Drake's sleeping form*
*she took a deep breath and forced her eyes shut, trying to think as loud as she could*
*thinking: DRAKE!!!!!!!!*
Drake: *hearing a ringing in his head, his head shot up quick and he looked around for Violet*
*not seeing her beside him anymore, he was on his feet quickly* Violet where are you!?
*trying to find her in the dark cave, he panicked slightly, until he seen her at the mouth of the cave*
Violet: *thinking: does work*
*she giggled, seeing Drake's full reaction*
*squinting his eyes against it, he moved his head slightly to the left*
*unknown to him, his tail was flickering around, and he brushed up against Violet with it*
Violet: *feeling Drake's tail hit her in the stomach she woke up*
Oh...*she opened her eyes groggily, holding her stomach with her right arm*
*she turned towards Drake's head and was about to yell when she got a better idea*
*thinking: I wonder...* See More
*standing up, she made her way to the edge of the cave*
*before saying good morning to the others, she turned back to look at Drake's sleeping form*
*she took a deep breath and forced her eyes shut, trying to think as loud as she could*
*thinking: DRAKE!!!!!!!!*
Drake: *hearing a ringing in his head, his head shot up quick and he looked around for Violet*
*not seeing her beside him anymore, he was on his feet quickly* Violet where are you!?
*trying to find her in the dark cave, he panicked slightly, until he seen her at the mouth of the cave*
Violet: *thinking: does work*
*she giggled, seeing Drake's full reaction*

on March 01, 2015

I miss hearing from you guys too and I'll totally have to go read that considering it was so great! Thanks for tying up loose ends here guys!
on March 01, 2015

I fell bad for cutting it so short, but I couldn't let the page die there. Had too many hopes for it, you know? :D
Anyway, this, along with the Hunger Games Page, makes two pages finished now.
If you ever get the chance to read that page, you have to Elley, it was epic, and Tossed wrote the ending to it.
I only changed one thing, to tie it all up better. Stop See More by more often, I miss hearing from you!
Your Friend,
~ Sir DragonLance103 ~
Anyway, this, along with the Hunger Games Page, makes two pages finished now.
If you ever get the chance to read that page, you have to Elley, it was epic, and Tossed wrote the ending to it.
I only changed one thing, to tie it all up better. Stop See More by more often, I miss hearing from you!
Your Friend,
~ Sir DragonLance103 ~
on January 27, 2015

Damn ok then. Literally this is the first rp I've ever seen finished xD Good job Dragon! You should write this down into a game forum. Then we could really rp it :p This is great! I've read it like three times now xD Definitely impressed! Good job team *standing o*
on January 27, 2015
on September 17, 2014

Kailen:*lying perfectly still, hidden in the moss, sinking into the ground* No family.....*almost admitting the humans were better than finding out the truth*
(@Elleyd @TossedWhisper4 @MyPatronusIsAMockingjayBecauseIAmADemigod)
(@Elleyd @TossedWhisper4 @MyPatronusIsAMockingjayBecauseIAmADemigod)

Kailen:Let's go then. *trying to avoid disappearing and moving through the trees, so he can follow her*
on September 05, 2014

on September 05, 2014
on September 03, 2014

Mon: *He stretched and started sharpening his claws on a tree.*
*He purred feeling the sun on his fur.*
*He couldn't be anymore relaxed as he inhaled the sweet air.*
*He purred feeling the sun on his fur.*
*He couldn't be anymore relaxed as he inhaled the sweet air.*

Mon: *His tail twitched as he dreamed of flying.*
*His pelt twitched as he felt the brush being pulled through his fur.*
*His pelt twitched as he felt the brush being pulled through his fur.*
on August 22, 2014

on August 22, 2014
on August 22, 2014

Kailen:*booooorrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeedd* Meh. *grows a vine to sit in*

Ely: I guessed that tee would be something soft to land on at the bottom but I wasn't sure
on August 19, 2014

Kailen:*shrugs* I guess you don't trust me that stupidly much then. *grins as he lands in a thick blanket of moss with a soft thump*
on August 19, 2014
on August 19, 2014

Name: Siria
Age: 5
Species: Winged unicorn
Personality: Sweet, hardly ever argues, kind
Looks: In photos
Likes: Making rainbows, sparkling, being happy
Dislikes: Arguements See More
Crush: Siriusly?
Other: Likes eating candy!
Name: Lady Eshana (Ana)
Age: 13
Species: Elf
Personality: Elegant, shy, animal and book-loving
Looks: In photos
Likes: Dogs, books
Dislikes: Humans who are cruel to nature
Crush: No one
Other: Has a baby unicorn called Siria.
Name: General Silas
Age: 16
Species: Elf
Personality: Show-off, handsome, talented
Looks: In photos
Likes: Lady Eshana, telling others he's the youngest Elven general
Dislikes: Nothing, because he thinks he's perfect
Crush: Lady Eshana
Other: He's the youngest ever Elven general and has a serious crush on Lady Eshana.
Age: 5
Species: Winged unicorn
Personality: Sweet, hardly ever argues, kind
Looks: In photos
Likes: Making rainbows, sparkling, being happy
Dislikes: Arguements See More
Crush: Siriusly?
Other: Likes eating candy!
Name: Lady Eshana (Ana)
Age: 13
Species: Elf
Personality: Elegant, shy, animal and book-loving
Looks: In photos
Likes: Dogs, books
Dislikes: Humans who are cruel to nature
Crush: No one
Other: Has a baby unicorn called Siria.
Name: General Silas
Age: 16
Species: Elf
Personality: Show-off, handsome, talented
Looks: In photos
Likes: Lady Eshana, telling others he's the youngest Elven general
Dislikes: Nothing, because he thinks he's perfect
Crush: Lady Eshana
Other: He's the youngest ever Elven general and has a serious crush on Lady Eshana.
on August 15, 2014

Name: Eslyn
Race: Wood Nymph
Powers: can talk to animals, heal animals/ plants
Personality: (changes every RP)
Race: Wood Nymph
Powers: can talk to animals, heal animals/ plants
Personality: (changes every RP)
on August 10, 2014

Elyrana: *runs into a forest*

Ely: I can't fly year round because fae are like a hybrid between plants and humanoids so I "bloom" where I kinda have petals growing out of my back and that looks like wings so that is how the myth is made ( I took the plant thing from a book I just changed it so she is only part plant )
on August 10, 2014

Eslyn: *sigh* you're so lucky to have wings. You can just fly away from all your problems
on August 10, 2014
on August 10, 2014

Name; Elyrana
Powers: can heal stuff
Appearance: ( ill upload a picture )
Race: Faerie
Personality: ( it'll develop as I rp )
Powers: can heal stuff
Appearance: ( ill upload a picture )
Race: Faerie
Personality: ( it'll develop as I rp )
on August 10, 2014

Mon: *He was swimming in ridged cold water in an attempt to get clean.*
This is why I don't swim!
*He said to himself struggling to keep his head above the water.*
This is why I don't swim!
*He said to himself struggling to keep his head above the water.*

on August 10, 2014

Autumn: Not much to share..When I was born the war was still going on -you know between the elves and [insert other race]. My father was a ranger and had to fight in the army. He helped defeat many of the enemies main leaders but..he was killed in the process.Though he fought well and valiantly his effort was in vain. My mother was distraught with grief and came See More down with a uncurable sickness. She died when I was three. I left for a while to go to the woods and I stayed.ghere for twenty years. They sent search parties so the eventually gave up. I never came back either, Until the next year. The ranger corps were impressed that i survived and stayed hidden for so long.They asked me if I wanted a apprentice ship there and I accepted. I continued to follow in my fathers footsteps and..well the rest is self explanatory or doesnt need to be known.
on August 10, 2014
on August 10, 2014

Rp anyone?

Kailen:*still focusing on the fish* I was.just curious.....*jumps as a fish speaks in his mind "Boat. Leaving......."
on August 13, 2014

Autumn: He yea I guess and good . -walks over to Kailen- Im guessing your trying to communicate?.
on August 13, 2014
on August 09, 2014

Form to fill out character:
Name: Autumn Wood
What are you: Elf.
What Do You Look Like: (feel free to upload pictures) will add..
Powers: None but skills would be..a uncanny ability to detect other beings not just by aura, a 99.9% chance to hit targets with archery or Throwing knives ability to hide ones aura so mo one can sense her, unreal camoflage, stealth and sneaking ability.Cat like reflexes.
Personality: quiet at most times, intimidating
Brief Back-story: Born at the elven See More kingdom, parents were slain protecting her, bla bla. joined the elven rangers. became one of the modt trusted rangers and a legend.
Goodness: (good, evil, neutral) Err..Good but that doesnt mean she doesnt kill or cant ever be evil.
Where Do You Come From: where ever the elves live..
Hobbies:archery, viewing battke plans, practicing skill etc
Kingdom/ domain: elven kingdom?..
What Do You Desire Moat:Nothing?
Other Important Information: (this is very crucial; this form does not cover much so feel free to load this part up with everything and anything we need to know about your character) err. Autumn has a specially bred ranger horse(which bave great stamina and speed then regular horses.) named Zephyr who is a light grey horse..
Name: Autumn Wood
What are you: Elf.
What Do You Look Like: (feel free to upload pictures) will add..
Powers: None but skills would be..a uncanny ability to detect other beings not just by aura, a 99.9% chance to hit targets with archery or Throwing knives ability to hide ones aura so mo one can sense her, unreal camoflage, stealth and sneaking ability.Cat like reflexes.
Personality: quiet at most times, intimidating
Brief Back-story: Born at the elven See More kingdom, parents were slain protecting her, bla bla. joined the elven rangers. became one of the modt trusted rangers and a legend.
Goodness: (good, evil, neutral) Err..Good but that doesnt mean she doesnt kill or cant ever be evil.
Where Do You Come From: where ever the elves live..
Hobbies:archery, viewing battke plans, practicing skill etc
Kingdom/ domain: elven kingdom?..
What Do You Desire Moat:Nothing?
Other Important Information: (this is very crucial; this form does not cover much so feel free to load this part up with everything and anything we need to know about your character) err. Autumn has a specially bred ranger horse(which bave great stamina and speed then regular horses.) named Zephyr who is a light grey horse..
on August 09, 2014

Kailen:*unseen in a tree, twisting thin but strong ropes for his next prank*

on August 10, 2014

Lili: *tries to calm herself down but can't and doesn't go back to the Forrest because she promised not to bother Kailen*
on August 10, 2014

on August 10, 2014
on August 09, 2014

Name:Human name Callum, fey name Kailen
What are you: Changeling
What Do You Look Like: Bright vivid green eyes, human appearance but slightly otherworldly,
Powers: Magic. Limited but telekinesis, nature manipulation and animal communication among them
Personality: Mischievous, loves pranks, carefree
Brief Back-story: Swapped for a human baby at birth, always stood out as being other among humans. Discovered his original people and travelled back to the fey realm.
Goodness: See More (good, evil, neutral) neutral
Where Do You Come From: Seelie Court
Hobbies: Pranking unsuspecting victims, tricking humans
Kingdom/ domain: Fey
What Do You Desire Moat: Nothing really. Not sure.
Other Important Information: Cannot lie, but tricksy with words. Iron hurts him.
What are you: Changeling
What Do You Look Like: Bright vivid green eyes, human appearance but slightly otherworldly,
Powers: Magic. Limited but telekinesis, nature manipulation and animal communication among them
Personality: Mischievous, loves pranks, carefree
Brief Back-story: Swapped for a human baby at birth, always stood out as being other among humans. Discovered his original people and travelled back to the fey realm.
Goodness: See More (good, evil, neutral) neutral
Where Do You Come From: Seelie Court
Hobbies: Pranking unsuspecting victims, tricking humans
Kingdom/ domain: Fey
What Do You Desire Moat: Nothing really. Not sure.
Other Important Information: Cannot lie, but tricksy with words. Iron hurts him.

Alright, the only character I have is Mon though. Because I don't want to have Archimedes and Amarisa randomly appear even though they should be with the others. Did you want to start a feed or just use this one or...
on August 09, 2014

on August 09, 2014
on August 08, 2014

Name: Sarah
What are you: An angel
Personality: Smart, fun, nice, secret nerd
Brief back story: She grew up with her older sister, Katie, since her parents died before Sarah was born. When Sarah turned thirteen, she grew her wings while at the park. Her sister knew what happened and told her that she had to go somewhere to become an official angel forever.
Goodness: Good
Where do you come from: ?
Hobbies: Reading, writing, flying See More
What you desire most: For everyone to be happy.
What are you: An angel
Personality: Smart, fun, nice, secret nerd
Brief back story: She grew up with her older sister, Katie, since her parents died before Sarah was born. When Sarah turned thirteen, she grew her wings while at the park. Her sister knew what happened and told her that she had to go somewhere to become an official angel forever.
Goodness: Good
Where do you come from: ?
Hobbies: Reading, writing, flying See More
What you desire most: For everyone to be happy.
on August 07, 2014

Name : Flames
Species : Dragon
Family : no one except his friend(more like a brother)Tyson
Special power : Though his name suggests something else , he's a water thrower dragon and he can telecommunicate that is he can talk to you inside your mind .
Species : Dragon
Family : no one except his friend(more like a brother)Tyson
Special power : Though his name suggests something else , he's a water thrower dragon and he can telecommunicate that is he can talk to you inside your mind .
on August 07, 2014

Eilys: *Shivering*
Faerie: Are you well, my lady?
Eilys: I sense a disturbance. The Oracle stones have been awakened. The spirit of Owena the Great whispers in my heart . The woods are anxious. There will soon be much darkness, I can feel it.
Faerie: What must be done, my lady?
Eilys: Nothing until we know what has perturbed us. Tell the guards to be watchful, but do not upset any other subjects. *The faerie nods and flies off. Eilys sighs and grips her staff* We will soon See More be visited.
Faerie: Are you well, my lady?
Eilys: I sense a disturbance. The Oracle stones have been awakened. The spirit of Owena the Great whispers in my heart . The woods are anxious. There will soon be much darkness, I can feel it.
Faerie: What must be done, my lady?
Eilys: Nothing until we know what has perturbed us. Tell the guards to be watchful, but do not upset any other subjects. *The faerie nods and flies off. Eilys sighs and grips her staff* We will soon See More be visited.

Kailen:*looks at the bare earth in surprise* Did I just make that happen!? *grows lilies and primroses, deep rich blue irises and tiny white daisies. The daisies make him remember the little human girl* She was cool. *smiles a little but it fades* Maybe my father is around didn't say he was dead.....
on August 12, 2014

*The spell senses Kailen's discomfort, repelling the faeries. The ground reacts and clears a sort of garden of soft earth*
Eilys: I wish you well, Kailen.
Eilys: I wish you well, Kailen.
on August 12, 2014

Kailen:*blinks away a tear, wishing there were bare patches he could fill with flowers like the human world*
on August 11, 2014

on August 11, 2014
on August 07, 2014