Emma's Dairy Page!
So I noticed that because I don't write much of Emma's Diary anymore people stop bothering to read it because they know there will be nothing new. I decided to make this page! if your an ED fan then you should become a member AND SUBSCRIBE. I will post updates about when new chapters are up and new ED stories. So please, enjoy!

I just finished writing the story! It's all done! Number three will be coming out in January, so keep your eyes open people, it's going to be good!:D
on December 12, 2014

I finally updated and published Emma's Diary 2! I added 2 or 3 chapters. It's still 8 months behind, but I'm going to try and edit it alot more often. Love you guys!<3
on November 03, 2014

So my laptop has been acting up lately. I try to edit emma's diary 2 and everytime I have it perfect i save it then it all resets. I'm getting really mad. So it has been unpublished for now. I will re-publish it once I have cooled off ad I have used another device to fix up all of the mistakes. please don't unfollow, i promise I will re-publish it. Meanwhile, why not enjoy the original ED? Thank you for reading!
on August 08, 2014

Some chapters have been updated!!!:D
on August 03, 2014