Those Were The Days
The ideal music channel for all of those vintage music lovers out there. I will upload a few links to the amazing legendary music, so enjoy the music and relax! And by the way, if you are a modern music fan, please don't criticize these songs. I hope you join or subscribe, thank you : )

One Of These Nights - Eagles - New Zealand Live
Recorded in Christchurch (New Zealand) in 26-11-1995
on April 02, 2013

Abba - The Winner Takes It All
Music video by Abba performing The Winner Takes It All. (C) 1980 Polar Music International AB
on April 02, 2013

Abba - Hasta Manana
Hasta Manana - the Eurovision reserve! Abba considered two songs for Eurovision 1974, these were Waterloo and Hasta Manana. The previous four winners had all...
on April 02, 2013

Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers
Unchained Melody(Melodia desencadenada...) LyricS Oh, my love my darling I've hungered for your touch a long lonely time and time goes by so slowly and time ...
on April 02, 2013

Queen - Radio Ga Ga
Music video by Queen performing Radio Ga Ga. (C) 2003 Queen Productions Ltd. under exclusive license to Hollywood Records, Inc.
on April 02, 2013

One of my personal favorites... It says so much, so listen closely to the words...

Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind
Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind (1985 overdub) Maybe I didn't treat you Quite as good as I should have Maybe I didn't love you Quite as often as I could ha...
on April 02, 2013

on April 02, 2013

Billy Ocean - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
Music video by Billy Ocean performing Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car. (C) 1988 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited
on April 02, 2013

Top 30 best rock songs of the 60's
Follow me on twitter!: @Top30music best rock songs of the 60's based on their influence, on their record sales and if they remained trascendent.. If you're l...
on March 13, 2013

on March 13, 2013

lulu shout 1965 ready steady go
optreden van lulu tijdens ready steady go in 1965
on March 13, 2013

Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay
Otis Redding - Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay Lyrics: Sittin' in the mornin' sun I'll be sittin' when the evenin' come Watching the ships roll in And then I ...
on March 13, 2013

Lionel Richie - Hello
Lionel's new album Tuskegee is available now! Preview and download on iTunes!
on March 13, 2013

'I'll kill you if you don't come back' by Meat Loaf. My sis and I were shocked when we first heard this song but it's pretty awesome. :D

Meat Loaf: I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back (Music Video)
The Rare Music Video for one of Meat Loaf and Jim Steinman's Forgotten Masterpieces.
on March 10, 2013

'Piece of the Action' by Meat Loaf. I'm gonna post more of Meat Loaf because my dad has like, thousands of CD's by Meat Loaf! LOL

Meat Loaf - Piece of the Action (1985)
Meat Loaf - Piece of the Action (1985)
on March 10, 2013

I'd also like to say feel free to add a few oldies, it's a free request page : D
Your's faithfully,
Keara :p
Your's faithfully,
Keara :p
on March 09, 2013

Whitesnake - Is This Love
Music video by Whitesnake performing Is This Love.

I like 1D but not Justin bieber I like his songs but I don't like him I love all kinds of music actually I listen to anything and everything so but the oldies were the best my most fav bands are kiss and pink Floyd and pat benatar and Madonna and blondie and def leppord and rod stwart lol
on March 10, 2013

I know! Modern music annoys me now, I hate 1D and JB *grits teeth* I wish I was living back then
on March 10, 2013

Omg I love this song!!! I'm a huge fan of the classic Rock music I love the 60s 70s 80s and 90s music those were the gud old days right there =D
on March 10, 2013
on March 09, 2013

: D Yeah, my mom showed me Heart, and btw, you can put some old songs on the page if you like : )
on March 10, 2013

I got an album of heart i did a ballet dance to this lol. My favorite song tho by heart is these dreams and will u be there lol
on March 10, 2013
on March 09, 2013

Elvis Presley - Wooden Heart
FR Connexion Ajouter une vidéo Rechercher Fermer Nous avons défini la langue que vous préférez Voici votre langue préférée : Français. Vous pouvez modifier ce paramètre ci-dessous. We've set your language preference to French. You can update this preference below. Learn more View this message in English Guide nouveauté Populaire sur YouTube Musique Sport Jeux vidéo et autres Films Émissions TV Aucune chaîne trouvée. Des chaînes pour vous Ed Banger Records taratata ligue1fr RBS6Nations StudioBagel Aucune chaîne trouvée. Parcourir les chaînes Connectez-vous pour ajouter des chaînes à votre guide et bénéficier d'excellentes recommandations ! Connexion › Elvis Presley - Wooden Heart poprocks58·28 vidéos S'abonner Abonné Annuler 56 36 482 128 3 J'aime Connect

on March 10, 2013

Elvis presily was the king of rock I love his one song jailhouse I think the name is =)
on March 10, 2013
on March 09, 2013

T'pau - China in your hand
It was a theme she had On a scheme he had Told in a foreign land To take life on earth To the second birth And the man was in command It was a flight on the ...
on March 09, 2013