What do your dreams mean?
Wanna find out why you dreamt of a cat last night or maybe a flood? Why you dreamt you were falling? This is the page for you. Find out what you are dreaming about, what your dreams really mean. BTW these may not be true but you can take a rough estimate. Anyone can answer anyone can ask! so get dreaming!
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I had a dream that I was tapped on the shoulder and then suddenly everybody on Qfeast was there (Eridan_Ampora was wearing a shirt with a cow on it that said Moo. Yeah.) But the creepy part was that everybody that hasn't been on Qfeast for a while was dead. Yup that's right. Writerunner was lying on the ground. Peaches_is_awesome and Rebellion were on the ground as well. The weird part was it was in Starbucks. Suddenly, my mom came in and told me that recently I'd recovered from See More a disease that the dead had died from. that's where my dream ended. I predict that the dream means a while ago I wasn't on that much, and now I am.
on June 29, 2015

Once I dreamed I was in this world where everything went really slow, slow motion. It was SOOO creepy.
on April 17, 2014

Random dream about pinkie pie singing giggle at the ghostly and the rest of the ponies are discorded.

that's pretty odd.... sorry don't really have any idea what that could mean. Does anyone else?
on April 28, 2014
on April 15, 2014

Last night i had this dream of this awesome museum thing where when the youngest child in the family when they were little theres this little camera set up in one little point in every room of your house and these people set up your house how it is and that as some fake, and put fake people that move in the house that look like you and your family and my family went to see ours and it was at Christmas. I could tell it was a dream because i didnt live in the house in the dream See More when i was little.

well this page is called what do your dreams mean? not what are u dreaming of so I am allowed to take a guess at what it may mean. Sorry if u don't see it the same way but this is my interpretation of what your dream could mean.
on May 02, 2014

Maybe u feel as though u are an outsider or something. That u don't belong. That's all I can really get from that dream. It's probs just a passing weird dream. Recurring ones are the worst even if they're not nightmares they just turn out to be plain annoying. Unless they are really good, then they're great
on April 28, 2014

on April 06, 2014
on April 05, 2014

I also had a dream that I was locke in a room with everyone I hated, and there was something killing us off one by one, I woke up when I was the last one alive...
on April 03, 2014

I once had a dream that zombies were raising from the ground and only I could see them, and then everyone turned into dinosaurs.... it was a very strange dream...

That is really strange. It could mean that you hate most of your teachers coz they're either zombies (just do what they are meant to do nothing exciting) or are from the dinosaur age (they think they are always right and they are very old fashioned)
on April 03, 2014
on April 03, 2014

I once had a dream about school and I was surrounded by animals in the school hallway and then all these people who were my friends came running towards me and grabbed an animal and all that was left was one tortoise and I tried to catch it but he ran away. :(
on April 03, 2014