friendship/love advice page
need advice on friendship problems or love problems. Come to me i will give you the best advice ever
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(Ummm... I'm using my cousin's account) There is this guy that I like and we're best friends. One day, me and him agreed that we'll switch notes on who our crush is on the last day he leaves for (a place I don't want to say for now). I opened his note and...HE LIKES ME BACK! But I don't know where would be a good first date. Any suggestions?

The park cus it's free or watch a scary movie because he might mistake his sacredness to love
on August 28, 2014
on August 18, 2014

on May 15, 2014

I feel really bad about this whole situation I am in. I have tried to get out of it in different ways but it keeps finding me. I have feelings for a kind of friends boyfriend. At first I tried avoiding him so I wouldn't like him anymore, but he seemed to look for me. I'm pretty sure he has feelings for me but he is 2 years older than me and he is going out with this other girl. I don't know what im going to do. Please help!!!

Humm this is hard maybe just tell him how you feel and that you just want to be friends and if he said no then he doesnt know what hes talking about. And if You become a couple and she murders you She will go to jail
on March 26, 2014

thanks. I know but its hard to explain. He's one of those guys that you can't just be friends with. He's real charming and always flirting. I told him that he should probs stop coz he has a girlfriend and its getting out of hand but then he said that he doesn't even like her. Even if she did break up with him im pretty sure she would murder me if I dated him. See More I don't know how else I can get the message across to him that there is no way in hell that a relationship between me and him could ever work. Its so confusing thanks for trying
on March 25, 2014
on March 24, 2014

Ok i know everyone's prob just like annoyed i keep whining about HIM but it's my main social issue and is reallllllly stressing me out. So HE's still a major issue. I hate talking to him now but at the same time I miss him so much and want to keep our friendship. I'm seeing him soon and don't kno what to say... help. (btw if u dont kno what im talking about it u can find some on my page)

on April 02, 2014

Well I just saw him recently and things went well but I feel like I shouldn't have forgave him that fast cuz now he thinks everything is just fine but it's not.
on March 30, 2014
on March 24, 2014