Warriors Fan Group!!!!
If you enjoy, the Warriors series, please join this page!! We will talk about or fav moments, in the Warrior Series!

The Omen of Stars is really good so far! Though I wonder when Cinderheart will be okay with Lionblaze's powers.. Everyone, I made a new quiz all about Jayfeather (from where I am).
on June 25, 2014

i like the new series
on May 13, 2014

Hey! Has anyone read my stories of warriors?

Oh! I forgot! there is only one, The story of Seedpine, please don't judge the 3rd chapter, I haven't completed it yet but will get on it very soon.
on April 19, 2014
on April 19, 2014

Hey guys can we roleplay?
Starting from this thread
The topic is: Rogues attack Streamclan, Caveclan, Moorclan and Forestclan
Do you think that is a great idea? You can change the clan names if you want, of course with the others' permission.
Starting from this thread
The topic is: Rogues attack Streamclan, Caveclan, Moorclan and Forestclan
Do you think that is a great idea? You can change the clan names if you want, of course with the others' permission.

Tawnystrike being the hostile warrior she was leapt back. "Don't tell me you are part of this too!"
Tawnystrike being the hostile warrior she was leapt back. "Don't tell me you are part of this too!"
on June 07, 2014

@sistaloofafump, you can't play other people's cats, I guess you're knew to roleplaying so don't worry. *Replay*
on May 13, 2014

but than a bloody rogue leap on her back! just as she fought it of 5 more streamed in...
on May 03, 2014

Tawnystrike breathed in the scent of fresh air, she blinked and stood on the moor. 'I wonder why all the other clans don't want to live in tranquility like this.' She thought.
on April 18, 2014
on April 08, 2014

i made some new warrior quizzes!
on April 07, 2014

What is your favorite Hollyleaf shipping? Of the three that I've heard of, I like Hollyleaf x Fallen Leaves

I know, there are even a few fanfictions about that. Grosss!!!
There was even one which was Holly x Ash. Which made me go like 'Grossss!!!'
There was even one which was Holly x Ash. Which made me go like 'Grossss!!!'
on April 18, 2014

on April 08, 2014

Yeah I love Hollyleaf X Fallen Leaves.
Holly-leaves all the way!!!
1. Holly x Breeze is just gross
2. Holly x ?, will not be beaten by Fallen Leaves >:D
Holly-leaves all the way!!!
1. Holly x Breeze is just gross
2. Holly x ?, will not be beaten by Fallen Leaves >:D
on April 08, 2014
on April 06, 2014

This is my cat Featherdawn.
Please reply here so i know your cat names :D
Please reply here so i know your cat names :D
on April 06, 2014

Hey guys!
Create your cat and upload it on this page!
Create your cat and upload it on this page!

CREATE-A-CAT Flash Game by Neikoish on deviantART
NOTE: click DOWNLOAD and then right click >> Show All to zoom out a bit. ----------- -FAQ-: Can I upload the pic of my cat on my dA account or on ...
on April 06, 2014

Warriorlover, of course you can be a member!!

on April 07, 2014

NO PROBLEM!! I mean you are a Warrior lover! lol why wouldn't I? I didn't want it to be open to the public, cause people may post random things...
on March 27, 2014
on March 27, 2014

On the 5th series now! It's awesome cause it has how the warriors moved to the forest! Not gonna tell anymore!:D

But I quit reading because I found the fifth series boring so I'm waiting for Bramblestar's storm because I don't like reading about the past.
on April 06, 2014

It's true! Squirrelflight was a hero, and so was Leafpool! She-Cats are just as good as Tom Cats! Though I had to say for the 2 series, I preferred Brambleclaw's and Squirrelflight's point of view more than Firestar's.
on March 27, 2014

I'm glad it didn't stay in the time at the end of the 4th series, i was getting tired of brambleclaw, firestar and the 3 saving the day, I just wish that there was more she-cats that save the day because girls can do things to! :p Please say if you agree that girls CAN do things cause a WHOLE lot of books have boy heroes!:)
on March 25, 2014
on March 25, 2014

My favourite cat is Leopard star!/Users/lafamilia/Desktop/Unknown-9.jpeg
on March 18, 2014

Sis you like Lepoardstar? Shes ok
/But 1st series she was mean. How could she let Stonefur be killed? HE WAS HER DEPUTY
/But 1st series she was mean. How could she let Stonefur be killed? HE WAS HER DEPUTY

True. But it was up to her. Yea, maybe Tigerstar would have ripped her fur off. He would to>:)ld everyone and spoiled..
on March 18, 2014

i know, but she was kinda forced for tigerstar would of killed her if she tried to stop it...
on March 18, 2014
on March 18, 2014

Ok, so I did a quiz on "What Clan are you from?", and this girl posted "SHADOW CLAN, DARK LIKE MY SOUL!!!" .....scary......>:)
on March 18, 2014

on March 18, 2014

They're such a good couple!

ya, it's like how my classmates make fun of me cause my favourite book's Peter Pan! They say it stinks but they haven't even read the book, they just watched the movies! How is Warriors creepy?!:)
on March 25, 2014
on March 18, 2014