All To Stop Bullying Page
I was once bullied and it is not fun. If you want to stop bullying than join this page. If you have had a bullying experience you are welcome to put your story on this page.
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on October 12, 2015

Here, watch this, you might like it, I don't really know what to say about it though.
on March 01, 2015

I used to get bullied a lot because of the way I talk. The problem is, I don't know when in mispronouncing words. It's a real problem for me still and people still make fun if me. I just laugh with them but it really hurts. And most of them know I can't really control it.
I also get cyberbullied sometimes by people who don't even know me. I have never bullied anyone in my life. Don't even Consider bullying someone. It doesn't make you cool and its not funny.
I also get cyberbullied sometimes by people who don't even know me. I have never bullied anyone in my life. Don't even Consider bullying someone. It doesn't make you cool and its not funny.

on August 30, 2014

on August 30, 2014

At the begginning of the school year we signed a sheet saying that we understood the punishment for bullying and accept being punished for it
on August 30, 2014
on August 29, 2014

That boy you punched in the hall today, committed suicide. That girl you called a slut in class today, she's a virgin. That boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat, she's starving herself. That old man you made fun of because of his ugly scares, fought for our country. That boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying. You think you know them. See More Guess what, you don't! - statement against bullying that is real powerful

on March 23, 2014

cool its so great that a lot of people out there feel so strongly about it. I just think its so sad that people die so young. Bullying kills
on March 23, 2014

thanks, im really passionate about this kind of stuff. I have 2 friends with severe depression, one which cuts and well I used to get bullied all the time and still do sometimes. There are way too many young people getting bullied and even worse killing themselves because of it :(
on March 12, 2014
on March 11, 2014

on March 10, 2014