A New Killer Is Born
Ok, this page is going to be for all the people that love my story =) We can talk about anything and everything that you guys want! =D

hey is anyone on that i can talk to? im kinda in stuck in a rut of sadness and anger

Never mind now lol I'm all good now lol
on July 03, 2013
on April 23, 2013

on April 11, 2013

I know this is really strange but has anyone saw or heard about any tame werewolf sightings?

on April 09, 2013
on April 09, 2013

Ok, out of the whole story, who is your favorite character so far? I will ask this question again later on after I'm finished with it because there are new characters to come! Lol =) I guess after writing this, my favorite character is Freddy! Ha ha, he's such an ass and you gotta love him! He's hilarious haha =)
on April 09, 2013

So um...how is everyone liking the story, "A New Killer Is Born" so far?
on March 28, 2013

Ok, so I decided to come up with a sequal for this. I decided to continue on with this story and put a new character in it =) Another one of jasons daughters.....Emily Voorhees
on March 21, 2013

hey sis

oh boy do i have to put up with this all of prom weekend ;) I'm going to hold you to that no drinking and all out partying.
on March 18, 2013
on March 18, 2013

Ok, so I will be writing new chapters this weekends to all of my stories. =) I will be posting new chapters on Monday just so you know =)
on March 08, 2013