Hall of Fame
This is the Hall of Fame! I will make polls to decide who should enter the Hall of Fame! The top 3 make it. Members are the ones that make it =) COPYRIGHTED UNTIL NOVEMBER 12, 2017!!!

And surprisingly the 2-day-old is already in the HOF! Give it up for News_Reporter!
on February 09, 2014

Rainbow_Dashy and Akane are in!
on February 07, 2014

I'm very glad to be included with people who I really look up too! I hope we can all get along!!:D
on February 06, 2014

Number1Arianator and CrystalWings are in!
on February 04, 2014

Celest_Stories is in!

on February 06, 2014

on February 04, 2014
on February 04, 2014

RainbowDashMage, Iampretty, Earth707, and An_idiot are in!
on February 04, 2014