guinea pig page
if you have one or want one plz join this page i had 2 but... they both died:(
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Follow DarkStar guys!! he's new here (well he did join more than a month before but that's still called new right? :p ) oh well he follows back so :p
on January 20, 2014

aww thats sad :(( i sympathize!! guinea pigs are cute but i never had one and won't even have one cause my parents are scared of them i think -_- (instead of "scared" maybe i should say they don't like guinea pigs much :( ) but i find them cute :)

sure i'm gonna join ;) oh and my dad thinks guinea pigs are rats -_- (i know it's mean but it's also funny cause he never admits he's scared of rats :D)
on January 20, 2014

thank you for your love how you know you don't like them if you never hold/had one tell your parents that
on January 20, 2014
on January 20, 2014

OMG i thought that was an eye at first O.O and im sorry that happened. but i actually love kittens more. Kittens!!! KITTENS KITTENS KITTENS KIIIITTTEEEEEENNNNNNSSSSSS!!!!!!!!
on January 20, 2014

im so sorry. i send my condolences. i love piggie. i have one named bella and i couldnt live without her. i wont go on because i dont want u to fel sad. ok have a good day. babygurl123
on January 20, 2014