Brendan Updates
All the updates that is fit to print that anybody cares about! New pics, usernames, quizzes, stories, polls, pages, and without stuff like conversations, uploading pics at other pages, or anything like that! Plus I can add my comments and links! Also this page has exclusive bonus posts for example, I can release info for upcoming stories, quizzes, you get the point.


that means I am going on a Qfeast creating spree!
on January 12, 2014
on January 12, 2014

My next quiz is going to be cute! :3
on January 10, 2014

coming soon: a new poem collection Nature's Gifts! I wrote the poems myself for real
on January 08, 2014

If I ever get 100 followers I have a surprise...
on January 08, 2014

coming soon: How to rule the universe! I tell all my tips on how to rule the universe or should I say Brendanverse?
type: story
in the form of: list
topic: rule the universe
about when will be released: this week hopefully tomorrow or the day after.
type: story
in the form of: list
topic: rule the universe
about when will be released: this week hopefully tomorrow or the day after.
on January 08, 2014

new username: UltimateBrendan it reflects my personality as much as UnlimitedAwesome would but has my name which was important

the evolution of this account: dreamer, The_Brendan, apocalypse, Wiffle_Jiff, UltimateBrendan
on January 08, 2014
on January 08, 2014

New profile picture! I am the one jumping, my cousin Keely is the one in the yellow shirt in the blocks and the guy in blue is Mr. Random D. Guy (somebody I don't know) To enter the trampolines I had to come up with a plane so I was the Brendan 13 fighter jet.
on January 08, 2014