Animaljam Chat
Do you like animaljam? Well then this is the page for you! On this page share your usernames, and chat about new or old things going on in animaljam! Have fun!! :)
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it's literally almost been 4 months since I stopped playing AJ but I'm finally able to get back on and that makes me so happy!! I'd love it if we could talk on there even though you can't add me :( but it's OK!!!

Cool! My username is Oceanl78 let's trade! I don't really go on sry... But we can add! If u want
on December 29, 2013

yay!!! but I can't right now its almost 1:40am where I'm at and I have church in the. morning till 11:00 so maybe we could meet up tomorrow?:)
on December 29, 2013
on December 29, 2013

I can't be anybody's buddy on animaljam because of a rule my mom has, (I can't be buddies with anyone I don't know in real life :(( ) but I'll still tell you my username so we are both on, we will know! :) I am: animalgirl301 My storage accounts are: hungergames301 and birdfeather301
on December 29, 2013

paaah... i used to go on animaljam... anyway my two accounts are fairyicystone and mlpmarina. you can buddy me if you want :D

Haha when I first stared I was on all the time. Then I wasn't, then I was, wasn't... you get the point. Right now I'm on 'Was' ;) :p
on December 29, 2013
on December 29, 2013