Mystical creature believers ONLY
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I know this is really strange but has anyone saw or heard about any tame werewolf sightings?
on April 09, 2013

Hello peeps!!! I'm just wondering, what's your favorite mythical creature????:D

dragons. wait those arent mythical, nor are fairies nor most of the other creatures people in the regular world think arent real. THEY ARE REAL!!!! just in hiding because people in big corporations and other bad people keep takin their land and hunting them down.
on April 01, 2013
on March 27, 2013

In grade 6, we had to write mythical legends, and a mythical creature, I made one called the Zaphea!
on May 03, 2013

That would be pretty cool : D Yeah, we should all do what EMOtionalGirl did, and make our own mythical creatures!
on February 19, 2013
on February 15, 2013
One day, on her way home, all the children in the town cornered her See More while she was walking. They started throwing rocks at her and calling her names. But the children suddenly stopped, because the little girl raised her arm up and pointed to one of the boys. “You will die in 3 days” she said. The kids got scared and ran off screaming.
Three days later, the boy unexpectedly started vomiting blood. He died before he reached the hospital. Soon, the little girl started announcing more of the villager’s deaths, and they would all die on the predicted date. A wave of panic and fear swept over the town. So, the remaining villagers had a meeting in the town hall. After an hour, they had finally decided…
The young