Qfeast Questions & Answers
The Official Qfeast Q&A page. Don't forget to read the FAQ at http://www.qfeast.com/faq !
Check out the updated FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). You will find a lot of useful information about Qfeast in there!
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on older accounts, you cant log out for some reason. i dont really know how old, but as old as may 2017 and as new as march 2018.
on January 29, 2021

you should integrate pinned posts so we can add disclaimers or info about us as a pinned post and itll be the first thing u see and u dont have to shove it all into ur bio
on January 25, 2021

I have a problem. I want to change my username, but I have to wait until april 30th cause I changed it when I first got on qfeast. Mainly cause I didn't like my first, emmbarrasing, name. Maybe a cool feature you can add is shortening the time? Cause I don't understand why you have to wait 6 months. Like one or two months I get but.. 6?! Please explain qfeast. It would really help me @qfeast

They do that so it doesn't get as confusing for your followers (or random people I guess)
on January 23, 2021

on January 23, 2021
on January 23, 2021

Is there a way to get notified when people post about the results of your quiz (Not just see your followers who have posted their results in your nf)
on January 23, 2021

hi qfeast, what ever happened to the emojis?
on January 22, 2021

Would some basic formatting in stories and quizzes be okay? Like <str>bold</str> text and <em>italic</em> text (those are the two most important; strikethrough, underline, and bolditalic are all optional.) If you want to keep Qfeast's design simple (when editing) then these could be little easter eggs where you need to write the html tag or "*" to get them, for example:
this sentence has bold **here** and <str>here</str> (As opposed to having a bar at the top of the screen with See More all the stylistic options)
this sentence has bold **here** and <str>here</str> (As opposed to having a bar at the top of the screen with See More all the stylistic options)

they could do the thing fur affinity uses where it has a button for bold and italic and colors where you press ir and it automatically puts [b][b/] or whatever
on January 22, 2021
on January 22, 2021

Hello, I have a serious question Qfeast. I am not a newcomer, but my brother wants to join. However, he can't, even though his birthday was yesterday because of a bug in the system. It said he has too many accounts, when he doesnt even have one. Please tell me how to fix this
on January 11, 2021

hai qfeast ik ur stalking us so im gonna request some things
-posting photos on ppls walls but maybe limit it to 1-2 per day
-better bio editing like colors and being able to center
-qfeast emojis back
-/italics/ **bold** _underline_ and -strikethrough-
-purging all accounts that have never been used and have no pfp and no content or anything. from like the start of this site to 2019 maybe
-posting photos on ppls walls but maybe limit it to 1-2 per day
-better bio editing like colors and being able to center
-qfeast emojis back
-/italics/ **bold** _underline_ and -strikethrough-
-purging all accounts that have never been used and have no pfp and no content or anything. from like the start of this site to 2019 maybe
on January 04, 2021

@qfeast How do you create a chat it won't let me...?
on January 04, 2021

can you make it so that you can write links in quizzes for songs and stuff?
on November 26, 2020

on November 05, 2020

I tried making a personality quiz but it wont let me save or publish it.....and its not just my computer because i can update my story and create scored quizzes, What Happened!?

1.Yes, but all it said was: We are sorry. There was an error while trying to save the quiz.
2. I can add info, but it wont let me save any work I have done. It will let me do all the work I just wont be able to save progress or publish the actual quiz.
2. I can add info, but it wont let me save any work I have done. It will let me do all the work I just wont be able to save progress or publish the actual quiz.
on July 10, 2020

1. Was there any error message displayed?
2. Have you saved the quiz as draft before publishing it?
2. Have you saved the quiz as draft before publishing it?
on July 10, 2020
on July 10, 2020

I'm very confused on why the name to my website, Quotevv, has to be censored.
on July 05, 2020

when are gonna be able to post pictures / videos in messages and on other peoples walls?
on June 24, 2020

Do you think you could make it so you can send us notifs on our phones or tablets if we have the app. It would make it 10x easier to know when we have notifications here without checking it all the time and such.

It sounds like a great idea. Thank you for sharing it, for sure we will take it into considearation.
Qfeast Team
Qfeast Team
on June 15, 2020
on June 14, 2020

okay now videos play like 25% of the time for me...?

What device, browser and OS are you using?
By the way, can you please recheck if the issue still occurs (we have made some adjustments lately).
Qfeat Team
By the way, can you please recheck if the issue still occurs (we have made some adjustments lately).
Qfeat Team
on June 15, 2020

on June 14, 2020
on June 14, 2020