Uniting against bullying.
This page is for people to come together and discuss different ways to eradicate bullying in your school or neighborhood.

most of d time ppl do something 2 some 1 so awful dat it truns dem into bullies
on June 19, 2014

Please go to this website and sign your name under this petition!!!!! My friend made it, and you do not have to sign your real name if you don't want to, just sign your username. Thanks!!

Or do what I did and enter random numbers for the Zip, Say "A place" for address, say "Narnia" for town! XD
on June 11, 2014

By the way, you just have to put secret down for everything else if you don't want to put your real info down
on June 09, 2014

“Millions are bullied everyday. Thousands won't get out of the grasp of their bullies until after high school. Hundreds will stay home from school in fear. Ten can protect someone and stop the bully. One signeture can help stop bullying.”
on June 09, 2014

Oh, and send the link to your friends too!!! This is the website: http://www.change.org/petitions/public-stronger-punishment-for-bullying-is-needed
on June 09, 2014
on June 09, 2014

Does anyone like this page? If you don't I'll delete it.
on December 10, 2013

So at my school bullying is kinda bad. My friends have been bullied in the past and it really sucks. Anyway, tell me what it's like at your schools.
on November 19, 2013