AWESOMENESS PAGE (aka people who have been told they are not good enough but are trying to prove them wrong)
For example - People who have been hurt by relationships with friends and boy/girlfriends People who have been bullied People who have been told they are venerable but don't believe it People who want there story to be heard etc.

Whoops I mean vulnerable. How could I mix them up!!! Haha sorry
on October 06, 2013

Soooo.... I'm trying to prove all the boys betting on me being first girl preggy and trying to prove them wrong about having self confidence and being venerable for rape etc.

I'm all scared up, like TRON from TRON: Uprising, except, the case is much more minor, but it's like a living comparison to me.
on October 06, 2013
on October 06, 2013

hey guys so this kid in my class a little while ago was crying cause he is from tampa and is new to my school well he was bullied by a guy named michael and theres a michael in my class well the michael in my class yelled at him at recess and he was crying so in line and my boyfriend is best friends with him not michael but the kid who was crying (cody) michael said something and walter(my boyfriend) said well you have no friends then michael said get this he is my friend well See More was michael said ya well you better check your girlfriend she is FAT so next he said stop acting like madison then i find this soooo sweet walter flipped out on him even more but still walter stood up to michael and ya but we have asigned seats at lunch michael sits right next to me :/ and walter across you can seriously feel the tension between them

yeh! I would be, but u should talk to him and tell him that you are. No offence but guys are pretty bad at picking up something is wrong or your unhappy with them. At least most of them!!! :) good luck
on October 08, 2013
on October 06, 2013

So what other things have people been hurt from?

I wish id stop crushing on guys. I can't help myself. I'm in a cycle of finding a boy that I like talking non stop about that boy. Getting hurt by that boy and then starting again. I try to stop myself but I can't help it!!! I'm sick on love
on October 06, 2013
on October 06, 2013

In my locker room I upset a guy who had some major anger issues by just moving his books so I could have some space to get into my locker. He shoved me against the locker and held me there so I couldn't breathe and I was so surprised that no one stood up for me. :( but I found my feet and ran and ran. He chased me but my head start let me run into the toilets. I stayed there until he left and from that day decided that I would be a better person because of it.

wait what year coz im from a different country so it might be different (btw you don't have to answer this question coz now I read it. It sounds a little stalkerish so Ill tell you that im in year 8)
on October 06, 2013

yeh well neither until I came to high school. I'm sick of everyone thinking im venerable though. They are all making bets on who will be a teenage parent and most of the time its me. They say I have no self confidence but I always thought I did.
on October 06, 2013

I would have stood up for them, but then again there must be a reason im always the one in trouble
on October 06, 2013
on October 06, 2013

Once upon a time a guy liked me. I was starting to kind of like him, but not a lot. Then turns out he was just using me to make another girl jealous.

you probably have they just haven't told you. This was the first person that liked me and the last so far...:( but he turned out to be terrible
on October 06, 2013
on October 06, 2013